Friday, September 4, 2020
Pharoah Tutanchamen essays
Pharoah Tutanchamen expositions Tutanchamen name implies living picture of AMEN. Tutanchamen original name was Tutankhaten. He was the child of Pharaoh Amenophis IV and his Queen, Kiya. He wedded his relative Ankheseenamun, the little girl of Amenophis IV what's more, Queen Neferrtiti. He became lord when he was 9 years of age (around 1333BC). Envision governing a whole nation when you are just nine! Lord Tut controlled Egypt, which is situated in the upper east corner of Africa along the banks of the Nile. Tutankhamen became lord after the passing on Ikhnaton in 1362 BC. During the vast majority of his standard he lived in Memphis, close to introduce day Cairo. Egypt was really represented by his senior authorities and Ay, senior clergyman of state. Harmony was brought to Egypt during his rule as the love of Amon, which was relinquished under Ikhnaton, was reestablished and Thebes the city hallowed to Amon, Egyptians delighted in life on earth and they made arrangements for life in the here after. They lived in amazing houses and delighted in sprucing up and wearing wigs. The vast majority wore garments made of cloth. They were engaged by performers while devouring goose, meat, figs, dates and pomegranates also, they drank grape or date wine. A portion of their preferred pets were monkeys, Ruler Tuts rule was short He kicked the bucket out of nowhere during the war with the Hittite individuals. He was just 19 years of age. He had no beneficiaries. Nobody knows the puzzle of his demise. He was covered in the Valley of the Tombs, of the rulers of southern Egypt. The Egyptians accepted that post-existence was like life on earth. They secured and protected themselves for the following life. The pyramids ensured the bodies and preservation safeguarded the body. The embalmment procedure could take up to 70 days. All the organs were expelled and placed in containers to dry. At that point the body was preserved and rewarded with oils and liquid sap. The body w ... <!
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
TyDaesha Fezzia Essays (1422 words) - , Term Papers
TyDaesha Fezzia Angela Jacobs English 1101 9/9/17 State champion With problematic knees, I hesitantly progressed up the immense white steps. With the rear of my hand, I brushed away two or three salty tears of lightening. As I stayed at the most elevated purpose of the stage and rotated toward the sky into the stuffed arena, my mind drifted back to all that I had encountered to achieve this moment, the day I transformed into a state champion. The start of the 2015 track season found me stressed over how I would perform. After a sad meeting with mononucleosis completed my first year initiates track season, the fear of dissatisfaction weighed energetically at the bleeding edge of my musings. I set a goal for myself in order to keep up focus and to impel myself like nothing else would. My target for my sophomore track season was to wind up discernibly a state champion in the 100 meter . I locked in standard at preparing and went the extra mile, for example, running every Sunday, to be as of late that significantly closer to accomplishing my goal. The potential for success of having generally important on the stage in the point of convergence of the field, incorporated by a few spectators, vanquished my contemplations of crying each time we had a hard exercise. At the point when I shut my eyes, I imagined myself holding up in prescience as various contenders names were gotten out, individually, until finally, the impacting vo ice proclaimed over the enhancer, ...and in the number one spot position, your 2015 100 meter champion, from Georgia, TyDaesha Fezzia . It was dreams like these that drove me to work more earnestly customary. As the season propelled, contention started getting fiercer. I was facing youngsters running at a 5A level, yet, I could persevere. Finally, there came an unassuming promising completion to the current game-plan; it showed up similarly as I was drawing nearer and closer to satisfying my goal. Close by my undefeated title came an enormous objective painted on my back. I strictly checked Max Preps reliably to check whether the resistance was getting on me. It gave the idea that each time I had upgraded, there was someone straightforwardly behind me, running their own best also. I arranged in the midst of the earlier weeks regionals like I had never arranged. Consistently my stomach ended up being progressively twisted with ties that hovered around all parts of my stomach. I don't think I had ever been that uncertain in all my years. Finally, regionals hit and the weight was on. I walked around regionals knowing the nonappearance of contention I would face. Routinely this would impact me to defeat with please, only this time, I realized it as of late inferred that I would need to work twice as hard. The primary time there to beat that day was mine. I expected to drive myself to get a period that was adequate to arrange me in extraordinary compared to other three spots at state. In this manner I would be set in a conventional warmth in the prelims at state. As I got into the pieces, I trained myself to see this race just as it were the last race at state and everything was remaining in a precarious situation. The weapon went off and I sprang from the squares. The whole course through the race I focused on my casing. Snap your path leg and don't swing your arms, kept experiencing my head. I finished first with a period that place me in my most adored way four at state. By and by, only a solitary week left until day of reparation. As the days grew nearer, the butterflies in my stomach expanded. I comprehended that never again was I the big boss. Unexpectedly I was just a little fish in a significant lake. In the coming days I envisioned what state would look like. I would lie alert around night time thinking about what might turn out severely. Potentially I wouldn't have the ability to manage the weight and bogus start or significantly more horrible, maybe I would fall. I endeavored to close out these no-no thoughts and replaced them with dreams of progress. I would think about how extraordinary it
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay on John Keats
Endymion is one of Keat’s early undertakings in poetry.â The sonnet reflects Keats’ demeanor to beauty.â Endymion is a young prestigious for his excellence and his interminable rest.  As he stayed in bed Mount Latmus in Caria, his excellence warmed the chilly hearts of Seleue (the Moon) who came down to him, kissed him and lay by his side.â His interminable rest on Latmus is appointed to various causes yet it is by and large accepted that Seleue had sent him to rest that she may have the option to kiss him. Keats has surely utilized the fantasy of Endymion to investigate his own particular manner to understand reality that is excellence (Hewlett, 1949).â But the legend stays just the framework.â Keats concocts all in all a lot.â Aileen Ward (1963) in this association says:â€Å"the legend of Endymion’s winning unfading youth through the adoration for the Moon †Goddess was just the start or rather the completion; he needed to top off his four b ooks with living characters, set them moving in their very own universe and inhale new significance into the old legend.†And this importance he does, show toward the start of the poem:â€Å"A wonderful thing is a delight of ever;Its flawlessness builds: it will neverPass into nothing; yet at the same time will keepA arbor very for us, and a sleepFull of sweet dreams, and wellbeing and very breathing.†The topic of the sonnet is love, magnificence and youth.â He begins this sublime experience loaded down with outlandish landscape, in mid April and finds it apropos in the Isle of Wight:â€Å" †¦ So I’ll beginNow while I can't hear the cities’ dire;Now while the early hudders are simply new,And run in labyrinths of the most youthful hewAbout old backwoods; while the willow trailsIts fragile ambrer; and the dairy pailsBring home increment of milk†¦Ã¢â‚¬ There are unquestionably roused pieces in the principal book as Hymn of Pan.â It starts after a portrayal of the Festival of the God, which hung on a grass in a woodland on a slant of Mount Latmus.â The entire get together is tended to by the old minister who tells the admirers of the bounties which Pan has stored upon them.â The symbolism is all around picked to clarify the appearance of God’s energy.â All the articles are depicted in cheerful phrases.â The God is related with the objects of nature, each angle which creative mind, chasing for the unbiasedly puzzling, can comprehend.â The Hymn finishes in the lines in which Pan is:â€Å"†¦ The incredible lodgeFor lone thinkings, for example, dodgeConception to the very Bourne of HeavenThen leave the stripped brain†¦.†The style of Endymion is generally that of â€Å"I Stood Tip-Toe†and â€Å"Sleep and Poetry.†This is delicious, halfâ€feminine and frequently excellent (Roe, 1997).â There is an unmistakable development, obviously, in craftsmanship however the most signific ant point about Keats at this state is his profundity and breath of scholarly misgiving of myth.â If we attempt to look for the significance of the sonnet in the life form of the structure, the separated self of Keats may be more clear, however it will avow his tendency on the sensible side even at this stage.â The control in specific bits of the sonnet is unsure somewhat on the grounds that Keats was a youthful and unrestrained craftsman (Steinhoff, 1987). Up to the last second, the saint just as the artist till the last snapshot of his life is liable to clashing desires.As a self evident certainty, there is equivocalness in the poem.â The poem’s finishing is introduced in profoundly uncertain manner and it could be deciphered on two diverse levels.â On the fanciful level, the house cleaner †Indian Maiden †is just the Goddess in a mask to test Endymion’s fidelity.â This is a fantasy device.â So when Endymion appears to surrender human love and st ates his commitment to â€Å"things of light†the lady turns around into the Goddess and prizes him with the â€Å"immortality of passion†guaranteed in the fantasy (Hewlett, 1949).To close, the genuine criticalness of the sonnet lies looking for truth, through the â€Å"bare-circumstance†of this legend.â Keats was the principal artist in English who found a human significance in the myth.â He didn't fit fantasies into a symbolic example as Elizabethans did or didn't just utilize them to ornamental impact as the eighteenth Century individuals did.â Keats’ commitment lies in finding that the Greek legends were pertinent to our inward experiences.ReferencesHewlett, Dorothy. 1949. â€Å"A Life of John Keats,†Hurst and Blackett, pp.325-326.Roe, Nicholas, 1997. â€Å"John Keats and the Culture of Dissent†, Oxford Clarendon Press.Steinhoff, Stephen. 1987. â€Å"Keats’s Endymion: A Critical Edition,†The Whitston Publishing Co mpany, Troy, New York, pp.295-300.Ward, Eileen. 1963. John Keats: The Making of a Poet, New York.
Marketing Fundamentals Business Strategy and Recommendations
Question: Portray about the Marketing Fundamentals for Business Strategy and Recommendations. Answer: Foundation Summary This report assists with thinking about Open Family Australia. It shows the associations review and administration depiction, companys small scale and large scale condition, advertise division, showcase focusing on and customer profile, separation and situating. Open Family Australia is an association that has a place with the piece of youth specialist co-ops of Australia among non-benefit divisions of the nation. Open Family Australia saw that school dropout rate is expanding among Australian youth along these lines rendering them jobless because of absence of aptitudes and information. The point of the association is to help such people in Melbourne. Further, the association is influenced by changing social pattern of expanded dropout and family issues and low financial status of specific gatherings that give it its clients. In addition, stable ideological groups, government offices and network help the association in its undertakings. The objective market of the association partit ioned into two sections in the one section it contain the poor youth and the another piece of the objective market comprises of various energized youth between the age gathering of 18 to 35 years who are responsible for offering the support to the objective clients. Further, the association requires suitable limited time methodology that will help in acquiring critical piece of the overall industry in this field. Additionally, the organization looks to situate itself as the best specialist co-op to the adolescent in Melbourne by building a particular brand picture among its objective market. Further, it looks to separate it benefits by including a bit of compassion, sympathy and care to it for helping its customers. The reason for this report is to feature the job and parts of coordinated showcasing blend in advancement methodology for Open Family Australia. Further, proposals for special apparatuses that can be utilized to build up the association as brand and make mindfulness among individuals about their administrations and approaches to chip in and give for the association has been given. Limited time Mix Coordinated Marketing Communication alludes to presentation of the considerable number of procedures of brand advancement to advance a particular items and administrations alongside target clients. In coordinated advertising correspondence, all parts of showcasing correspondence work commonly for improving deals of items and administrations (Blakeman, 2014). It is fundamental to think about clients recognitions about the companys item for the advertisers (Chitty, Barker, Valos, and Shimp, 2011). Incorporated Marketing specialized instruments incorporate different techniques for advancing a help, for example, publicizing, direct advertising, sponsorship showcasing, advancing through online life like Twitter, Facebook, and so forth. Incorporated showcasing correspondences incorporates coordination and joining of lane, specialized instruments and sources inside the association that limits the expense of administrations and augments the effect on clients (Yeshin, 2012). Advancement blend centers predominantly around the clients and approaches to sell and convey items and administrations to the clients. While,integrated showcasing correspondence centers around all the segments of the advertising blend, for example, value, item, advancement and spot. Coordinated promoting correspondence assume a significant job to give the correct data to huge crowd. Coordinated showcasing correspondence is fundamental for direct cooperation with the clients. In addition, it advances the items and administrations as well as creates trust among the clients who might consistently join. Coordinated promoting correspondence gives a huge assortment of alternatives, which help the organizations to interface effectively with the objective clients. It helps in making mindfulness about the administrations with promoting and different instruments of incorporated advertising correspondence (Olenski, 2013). It is significant for the development of the association and client maintenance. Associations comprehend the value of deliberately incorporating the huge interchanges works as opposed to having them work self-sufficiently. Incorporated showcasing correspondence is perhaps the least difficult ways for an association to boost the benefits on its interest in advancement and advertising. IMC is considered as a key component of upper hand by different associations since deals and benefit are expanded while setting aside the cash, stress and time (Saeed et al., 2013). Suggested Promotion Tools and Elements Coordinated showcasing correspondence utilizes different apparatuses that help to advance the item and administration of association that incorporates individual selling, publicizing, direct advertising, deals advancement and sponsorship (Blakeman, 2014). Further, it incorporates different online life apparatuses, for example, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube and some more. With regards to Open Family Australia NGO, limited time apparatuses ought to be explicit and cost sparing just as it ought to satisfy hierarchical goals. It should utilize these limited time devices, for example, publicizing, direct advertising, occasions and online networking stages in light of the fact that other than being financially savvy, these special instruments will give better outcomes to association as far as more prominent mindfulness and more extensive market reach. Publicizing: Open Family Australia should utilize promoting to advance its administrations. Publicizing alludes to an authoritative action to advance the item and administration. This association can publicize its administrations by utilizing a few procedures that incorporates print media, official site and radio (Shimp and Andrews, 2012). These are explicit apparatuses for publicizing the administration of NGO. Open family Australia can utilize official site and print media that incorporates paper, banners and flyers. The association can utilize official site to pass on the message or data to open. It can transfer photos, recordings and get-togethers related data at the site. Site requires one time venture to fabricate however it tends to be utilized as a without cost informing too for the rest regarding its life. To draw in most extreme crowd and increment more noteworthy mindfulness, the association should utilized paper that can contain an article or ad about NGO, its administrat ions and volunteers commitment. All age bunch individuals use papers that will assist with pulling in enormous crowd requiring little to no effort. Open family Australia can utilize banners and flyers for commercial. Banners and flyers is a successful method to assemble mindfulness out in the open. It can contain a message or alluring slogan or some point by point data and message that can be effortlessly disseminated and show anyplace that incorporates every single instructive organization, open transportation ways and stands and other open spots (Farabi, 2012). It can draw in huge number of crowd requiring little to no effort. These publicizing instruments helps in more noteworthy mindfulness and more extensive market reach. It gives data to crowd requiring little to no effort. In this way, Open Family Australia should utilize these publicizing apparatuses for advancement of NGO. Occasions: Open Family Australia should utilize occasion as a device of incorporated advertising correspondence to advance its administrations. Occasions allude to social event of individuals to advance an item or administration, pass on a message and manufacture the mindfulness among open (Vel and Sharma, 2010). The association can arrange different occasions for social government assistance just as they can impart the social message to open. Association can likewise tie up with little endeavors, instructive foundations and other open spots to lead its occasions. The fundamental goals of sorting out an occasion are to construct mindfulness about social government assistance. They can urge the adolescent to function as volunteers and top off application structure at on the web or disconnected premise. At the hour of occasion, volunteers can share their perspectives, encounters and desire from NGO with the crowds. In this manner, crowd can likewise pose a few inquiries to them. It is a superior method of offer the perspectives and involvement in broad daylight. In the occasion, NGO can encourage volunteers which won't just increment the resolve of the one related with the association, yet in addition persuade others to go along with them. Accordingly, it tends to be suggested that Open Family Australia ought to arrange occasions that will assist them with fulfilling authoritative just as promoting goals. Direct advertising: Direct advertising alludes to straightforwardly correspondence with target crowd utilizing email, phone and instant message. This media assists with passing on message to target crowd just as gather the client information and criticism about the specific item and administration gave by organization (Percy, 2014). Open Family Australia can utilize direct advertising to advance the administration and create the attention to individuals. They can legitimately advise huge association, ideological groups and government organizations through instant message, phone or messages for finance related assistance. Along these lines, Open Family Australia can raise the store that can be utilized for social government assistance and satisfy its targets. Direct showcasing will give better outcome to Open Family Australia as far as benefiting enormous gifts for its government assistance exercises from corporate. Along these lines, it should utilize this limited time apparatus. Online networking: Currently, internet based life is a compelling instrument to pass on data through social stages like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube and some more (Koontz and Mon, 2014). It is the most ideal approach to advance administrations among target crowd. Internet based life helps in assemble advertising, make new contacts and pass on data to enormous crowd. Online networking use Open Family Australia should utilize online life to advance the administration by means of web-based social networking apparatuses. They can communicate with enormous number of crowd and give data about social government assistance. They can transfer NGO related the photos, social government assistance minutes and recollections via web-based networking media stages where crowds audit, likes and remark can shows their support and intrigue. Further the association can make an
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Using a Research Paper Outline Sample
Using a Research Paper Outline SampleIf you're looking for a way to improve your grades, then you need to use a research paper outline sample. I'm going to show you the benefits of writing one, and how you can find one that is right for you.A lot of college students start their class papers with an outline, and they spend the first section of the paper writing the outline. As they progress, they will start writing the body of the paper. The truth is, this will save you time because it gives you an idea of the general format of your paper.You will also have an idea of what you are writing about. This is important if you want to make your outline as short or as long as you need to make it. You don't want to get too bogged down in the material and be distracted.You'll have an idea of where you want to place your content in the paper. You will know which part of the paper you should write about, and you can then determine the order of your sections. For example, you can place your introd uction near the end or at the beginning.When you're writing your research paper outline, it's also important to understand that there are different formats. There are some that will help you by writing the content in a format that is easy to read. Other formats are written so that they will look like the research paper outline.The most useful format is a mixture of both. It will contain both the standard formatting and also the research paper outline. When you are using this format, you will be able to put all of the information into a more readable format.If you are confused about how to format your research paper outline, I recommend that you take a few minutes to read through the samples. Then you will be able to read them over again, until you really understand how to structure it. This will give you a starting point for your research paper outline.You can design your own research paper outline, but it will take a little bit of work. You want to remember that the outline will be used by others, so it will have to stand out. You will also need to be consistent when you are working on your research paper outline.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
The Gentleman from Cracow Essay - 2200 Words
The Gentleman from Cracow (Book Review Sample) Content: The Gentleman from CracowAuthor's nameInstitution's nameThe Gentleman from CracowIn 1978, Isaac Bashevis Singer became the first Yiddish to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. The polish-born American writer, essayist, novelist, and short-story author is an epic writer who has written many famous works of literature. Singer sets his literary work in the orthodox Polish life, especially before the Holocaust, and explores the role played by the Jewish faith and norms in his fictional characters' lives. The Gentleman from Cracow is one of the several masterpieces that portray Singer's ability as an epic story-teller. In this story, Singer narrates the story of the people of Frampol, which is a polish village in a remote countryside where poor peasants struggle with impoverishment. The author shows, through a great literary style, how the Frampol people were ensnared by a treacherous devil masquerading as a wealthy savior. Singer demonstrates how the Jewish people, caught in an evil time of drought, fall into materialism and evil ways of life. The Gentleman from Cracow is a literary masterpiece that portrays, in the Jewish faith, how appearances may not be realities, how moral humans are vulnerable to temptations and materialism, how salvation is realized, and finally, how good reigns over evil.Singer develops his epic narrative, The Gentleman from Cracow, carefully into an introductory part, a description of the conflict, and a conclusion. In the introductory part of this essay, the author develops the background and setting of the narrative. The author introduces Frampol, a fictitious, extremely impoverished village, but in which the people observe morality. The only asset in Frampol is the children, who bloom with time into strong, tall, handsome boys and beautiful girls. Frampol falls into an evil time as it is stricken by drought and famine, devastating climatic effects that are accompanied by hailstorms and supernatural events such as the huge locusts that traverse the area after the storms. After introducing the setting of the story, Singer then avails the conflict to the reader.While in the fierce grip of destitution and famine, a mysterious, young, handsome man arrives in Frampol. The unexpected man arrives in Frampol in pomp and color and is dressed in fine clothes and driven in a carriage towed by eight horses. This is the man from Cracow', and he explains to Frampol citizens that he is a widower, and a doctor who has travelled to seek a new life. On arrival, the man from Cracow' lavishes the Frampol people with food, bread, and money. The man from Cracow' is a phenomenon in Frampol, and he soon changes not only the economic life of Frampol, but also the social life and morals of the people. The man replenishes the prosperity of Frampol, and the people turn to gambling and playing cards, violating the Jewish religious sanctions. The Cracow man' promises to marry a lady from Frampol, and all the women, and also their daughters, get into a frenzy, hoping to marry the mysterious, munificent suitor. The magnanimous man from Cracow lures the Frampol people to a great ball, an orgy of sensuality and dancing, in which he would select a wife among the eligible Frampol women. Elders in the Frampol society protest against this ball saying that the Jewish tradition does not permit such festivities. The Rabbi (the religious leader in Judaism, the Jewish religion) objects to the parading of women as prostitutes by the Cracow doctor, and warns the people that the ball is evil. The people do not heed to the elders or the Rabbi, and at the height of debauchery in the feast, the mysterious stranger from Cracow reveals his identity as Satan. He sets fire on the town in a rainstorm of lightning bolts. The Rabbi redeems Frampol by driving out the treacherous devil, and in the conclusion, the people of Frampol return to observing Jewish morals and traditions, and the memory of the man from Cracow' is retained as f olklore.The Gentleman from Cracow tells more than just a story of a Jewish village and Satan. Rather, Singer explores various themes in the literary masterpiece. First, the story explains the theme of appearance versus reality. Evil in general is a recurring topic in Singer's work, and devils, evil spirits, imps, and, and other evil characters populate many of his essays. In the foregoing work, the man from Cracow is the devil, but he is disguised as a wealthy and benevolent man. The man from Cracow is the devil. The Jewish faith warns people to beware of the devil and fight against him. The Jewish faith holds that the devil is the cause of evil. The people of Frampol are well-informed on the devil and his schemes. They have eyes, but are unable to distinguish evil. The devil rode into Frampol disguised as a wealthy doctor. His magnanimity takes the Frampol people by surprise. They view him as the hope of the village, and hold him in high regard. The people see that the mysterious m an eats Sabbath pudding on the week days, and he plays cards instead of attending prayer, which is prohibited in Jewish faith, but they are blinded by his appearance. Notably, in the title of the story, the author regards to the mysterious man as a gentleman to portray the identity his appearance creates among the Frampol people. The people are taken by surprise when they face the fact that the stranger is the devil. Singer's story is henceforth a good literary portrayal that appearances are not realities.Singer's story also portrays how humans, regardless of how deep they are entrenched in good morals and strong faiths, are vulnerable to temptations. Before the arrival of the rich and generous man in Frampol, the village was engulfed in utter poverty, and was in a dire situation of destitution compounded by a severe grip of drought. In this hard time, the Jewish community in Frampol is tested by the arrival of the Cracow doctor, the devil in disguise. The Jewish faith holds tha t the devil uses many schemes to test the virtues of the righteous. The devastating situation in which the Frampol Jews are is the perfect setting for their faith to be tested. This is because, in the fierce grip of poverty and famine, the people are most vulnerable to temptations. The devil does not have to do a lot to lure Frampol's people into evil ways. Using food and generosity, the disguised devil introduces gambling in the Frampol society and robs the people their righteousness and welcomes them into the world of enjoying worldly things and actions. The people do not heed the caution of Rabbi Ozer, and throw their caution to the wind in accepting to attend the devils' feast. The Frampol people feast with the devil and lose all their moral restraint. Through this story, The Gentleman from Cracow dramatizes how humans long for righteousness and the sacred, but with a little temptation, people reveal their proclivity to desecration. Singer, through this story, portrays the duali ty of human nature as sacred and impious. In this dual form of human nature, temptations, especially in dire situations when people are most vulnerable, can influence the change of morals from piety to impiety.Another important theme in Singer's narrative is materialism and the human lust for money and wealth. The wealthy and generous Cracow doctor arrives in Frampol at a time of great hardship and bewitches the people with his money. Like a plague, the lust for money spreads among the people of Frampol, and all the women begin contemplating marrying the foreign suitor. Gambling is a social disease introduced by the Cracow man Frampol, and it is also evidence of materialism and the desire for money and wealth. Even when the devil is driven away, and the people of Frampol return to piety and the people are content with their past destitution, the lust for money still persists. In the aftermath of the Cracow incident, the author explains that whenever a tailor or a shoe-worker in the Frampol society asked for an exorbitant price for his or her services, he would be told Go to the gentleman from Cracow, and he will give you buckets of gold (Singer, 1983, p. 26) . This indicates that the Frampol people retained the story of the man from Cracow as folklore, and integrated it into their language to criticize the lust for money.The Gentleman from Cracow conveys the message that salvation does not come from the unexpected arrival of a Savior-like stranger, but by sustenance of moral values and observance of religious traditions. The idea of salvation forms a great part of the Judaism faith. Jews expect a Messiah, their savior, to arrive at any opportune moment and save the righteous. The man from Cracow arrives in Frampol at a time in which the people had suffered enough. On arrival, he offers immediate help by providing food, which is one thing that the Frampol people need most. The people had enough reason to think the man from Cracow was the savior, and they sw armed to him as he handed out money. As Singer writes, From the poorhouse gate the beggars came, crowding about him as he distributed alms- three groszy, six groszy, half-gulden pieces. The stranger was clearly a gift from heaven, and Frampol was not destined to vanish (Singer, 1983, p. 14). This account portrays expert use of imagination and detail, and it paints the picture of the arrival of the savior in the Jewish village of Frampol. In another scene, Rabbi Ozer, having spent the night of Cracow man's apocalyptic feast in his house, wakes up thinking that the Messiah arrived. The Rabbi observes that the sky was intensely red and hears sounds analogous to wild beast howls. He then ponders over whether the Messiah has arrived, and why he had not heard the ram's horn that would ...
Monday, May 18, 2020
The s Comic Books Have Recently Become A Way Of...
Comic books have recently become a way of representing and expressing ideas on human sexuality. Politically InQueerect #2 by Dylan Edwards and Liliane and Muesli in Beyond Shades of Queer by Leanne Franson both tell a story with non-heterosexual characters to portray different views on sexuality. Franson’s comic contains many humorous panels that involve a cat or a dog interacting with a human being. She is concerned with the categorization of human sexuality based on sexual behavior and orientation. On the other hand, Edward’s comic has different characters that interact in a friendly and entertaining way. He creates a story to voice his concerns about the political issues and experiences that homosexuals have. Nevertheless, rather than writing a polemic or an op-ed, both authors use the comic book medium to convey their opinions about the experiences that the gay community has and the issues it faces. Representing non-normative sexuality in such a manner makes it easi er for one to examine these issues from a different perspective and to agree with the beliefs of both authors. Leanne Franson’s comic book is about the sexual labels that people use to identify abnormal sexual behaviors and sexual orientations. Franson takes this idea of labeling people’s sexuality and trivializes it as something that is unnecessary in our society by using dogs as an example. In doing so, she identifies a parallel between the worlds of human beings and dogs in her comic book and sheShow MoreRelatedEssay on Sexuality/Textuality in Tristram Shandy8792 Words  | 36 PagesRice University Sexuality/Textuality in Tristram Shandy Author(s): Dennis W. Allen Reviewed work(s): Source: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, Vol. 25, No. 3, Restoration and Eighteenth Century (Summer, 1985), pp. 651-670 Published by: Rice University Stable URL: . Accessed: 16/12/2012 06:30 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms Conditions of Use, available at . MoreLgbt19540 Words  | 79 Pages(from one article of clothing to fully cross-dressing) as well as in their motives for doing so. A small number can go on to identify as transsexual. Gender Reassignment Gender Reassignment also called transitioning, is the process of changing the way someones gender is lived publicly and can be a complex process. People who wish to transition often start by expressing their gender identity in situations where they feel safe. They typically work up to living full-time in a different gender, by makingRead MorePopular Culture and Violent Behavior Essay11795 Words  | 48 Pagesdefined culture as that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs, and many other capabilities and habits acquired by...[members] of society.[1] Taylor was talking about high culture, an aristocratic view of the past-times such as ballet, theatre and art. Popular culture, on the other hand, is a form of low culture and is based primarily on marketing, mass production and revenue. Low culture is what is sold to the masses, ergo, lowRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 PagesTheory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work that today qualifyRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 PagesUkraine Vietnam Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc., New York ß Oxford University Press 2006 The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior p ermissionRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 PagesDowden This book Logical Reasoning by Bradley H. Dowden is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. That is, you are free to share, copy, distribute, store, and transmit all or any part of the work under the following conditions: (1) Attribution You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author, namely by citing his name, the book title, and the relevant page numbers (but not in any way that suggests that the book Logical Reasoning
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Capital Punishment Essay Its Fair and Effective - 964 Words
Capital Punishment - Its Fair and Effective Confronting head-on two of the most prominent objections to the death penalty is the object of this paper: Is the death penalty a miscarriage of justice? And Does it Deter Crime? Its a miscarraige of justice. In a survey Professors Hugo Adam Bedau and Michael Radelet found that 7000 persons were executed in the United States between 1900 and 1985 and that 35 were innocent of capital crimes (1). Among the innocents they list Sacco and Vanzetti as well as Ethel and Julius Rosenberg. Although their data may be questionable, I do not doubt that, over a long enough period, miscarriages of justice will occur even in capital cases. Despite precautions, nearly all human†¦show more content†¦I would favor retention of the death penalty as retribution even if it were shown that the threat of execution could not deter prospective murderers not already deterred by the threat of imprisonment (5). Still, I believe the death penalty, because of its finality, is more feared than imprisonment, and deters some prospective murderers not deterred by the thought of imprisonment. Sparing the lives of even a few prospective victims by deterring their murderers is more important than preserving the lives of convicted murderers because o the possibility, or even the probability, tht executing them would not deter others. Whereas the live of the victims who might be saved are valuable, that of the murderer has only negative value, because of his crime. Surely the criminal law is meant to protect the lives of potential victims in preference to those of actual murderers. Murder rates are determined by many factors; neither the severity nor the probability of the threatened sanction is always decisive. However, for the long run, I share the view of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen: Some men, probably, abstain from murder because they fear that if they committed murder they would be hanged. Hundreds of thousands abstain from it because they regard it with horror. One great reason why they regard it with horror is that murderers are hanged (6) Penal sanctions are useful in the long run for the formation of theShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay for Pro Capital Punishment1283 Words  | 6 PagesPersuasive Essay Why Capital Punishment Should Remain in Effect Stefanie Ridgway DeVry University, ENGL 112 Professor Adams April 19, 2010 Capital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been effective tool in our country’s justice system since its inception. When an inmate is given this, the harshest sentence available, it is always with just cause. 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Smashing UX Design
Question: Describe about the Smashing UX Design? Answer: Overview Tablets and smart phones have become popular enough. The use of tablets and smart phones are growing very rapidly. Those are mobile and can work like computers. The museum authority has selected tablets for offering a multimedia based support for the visitors of the exhibitions. They will provide a tablet to each visitor. The tablet will be programmed for delivering some predefined services to the visitors. For example, the tablet will work like a guide through the exhibition. It will provide image and textual descriptions for each items of an exhibition. If needed then it will provide audio or video based support also. The tablet will guide a visitor by showing paths or let the user choose his/ her own path. Other than the exhibition items, the tablet will help to locate foods centers, toilets etc. There will be multi language support for the tablet interface. (Galitz, 2009) The project is focused on designing suitable interface for the tablets that are supposed to accompany visitors of an exhibition. Vision The project is aimed to provide an information technology based solutions to the visitors of an exhibition. The visitors will not need any guide through the exhibition. They can enjoy an exhibition by their own. The museum authority will no longer need to set up information kiosk at different places in an exhibition. There will be support for visitors with different language and the interface will be easy to use so that people from all age group can use the interface. People from every age and language are supposed to enjoy the exhibitions at their own pace. The project will help them to do so. Scope The project is on designing the tablet interfaces only. Thus interface usability is the main scope of the project. The technical details and technical performances of the tablets are out of scope of this project. Outcomes The outcome of the project will be layouts of interface designs for interactions with the tablet for different purposes. Key assumptions Key assumptions of this project are following, It is assumed that people have minimum experience in handling a tablet or working with touch interfaces. The tablets will be used for the museum exhibitions only. No other facilities will be available on the tablets. For example people will not be able to make call or browse web from the tablet. Cost is not a prime consideration for the tablets. It is assumed that every single visitor will have access to one tablet provided by the museum authority. (Wood, 2014) There will be enough security at the exhibitions so visitors can not steal a tablet. Accessibility is an important factor. There may be physically challenged people, the interfaces will have different sets of accessibility options to provide support to such visitors. But there will be not enough support for the blind people. However, if they want they can hear the audio transcripts of the descriptions of the items etc. Objectives, Outputs and Targets The objectives of the museum authority is cutting down operational cost yet providing the visitors an enriching experience of visiting the exhibitions. The initial cost of setting up the infrastructure for tablet based guidance to the visitors will be higher but the maintenance and operation cost will be lower over time. The target is to attract more visitors and making profit from the exhibitions. Success Criteria The success criteria at this stage are the following, (Banga Weinhold, 2014) Easy to use interfaceAccessibility optionsEnough help and support options.Effective interface designs.Usability should be better enough. References Allen, J., Chudley, J. (2012). Smashing UX Design. John Wiley Sons. Banga, C., Weinhold, J. (2014). Essential Mobile Interaction Design. Addison-Wesley Professional. Galitz. (2009). The Essential Guide To User Interface Design. John Wiley Sons. Wood, D. (2014). Basics Interactive Design: Interface Design. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Romeo And Juliet With Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Example For Students
Romeo And Juliet With Midsummer Nights Dream Essay Lord, What fools these mortals be Thats what Robin Goodfellowfrom the book A Midsummer Nights Dream remarked. It is inevitablythe truth. The aspect of love can mar the human mind. Its hard to explain andhard to fit into mere words. Three main kinds of love seen most often inliterature are romanticism, family, and friendship love. An example would beheartily clarified using the books Romeo and Juliet along withA Midsummer Nights Dream by Shakespeare. Most often, theromanticism is greatly appreciated by the audience. Tales of chivalry intriguethe human mind, making it yearn for more. This kind of love is between a man anda woman who most often wish to be bonded by marriage. Hermia and Lysander can becompared to Romeo and Juliet. They were both fanatical for eachother, and madlydoted on one another with such fervor. Though there were some small contrasts,Hermia and Lysanders love was tampered with by magic, while Romeo and Julietswas their complete facination with one another. That is romanticism. Family loveis a warm feeling of being protected by the one that you were birthed to, or hastaken care of you the majority of your life. In the case of these books, welluse Egeus and Hermia. Its possible that Egeus might have actually loved Hermia,unlike Lord Capulet towards Juliet. Capulet didnt sincerely care about Julietsfeelings; it was only pertinent for the political value to him that Juliet couldhave brought with her marriage to Paris. It doesnt mention Hermias mother, butJuliets mother is quite detached and uncaring. This most surely arises from thefact that Juliets mother was so young when she gave birth to Juliet. Friendshiplove is completely different from family or romantic love. you can depend onfriends to help you through things that people who are too close, like family orsignificant others who cannot help. To Helena she was Hermias best friend, andRomeo to Mercutio. Yet, Romeo and Mercutio stayed true to eachother, whielHelena betrayed Hermia. Of course, different insights lead to different views. Love is something that will live through out ages, not only in literature butalso in peoples hearts. Love is hard to simply be depleted. Now, there are farmore categories of love than these three. To take them all into considerationwould mean youd have to become immortal. While all three of these contrastgreatly, there is some mutual feeling between them, which is basic love, nomatter how you look at it.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Nietzsche Essays - Friedrich Nietzsche, Masterslave Morality, Virtue
Nietzsche Friedrich Nietzsche, a unique philosopher had some very interesting ideas about people's human values and personality types. In this essay I will explain what I like and dislike about his "Master Morality" & his antithesis to this, "Slave Morality". According to Nietzche, all morality is a manifestation of the will to power. The other is driven by the will to power but attempts to deny this. The term "master morality" refers to all the values of the psychologically strong willed people. They stress independence, personal dignity, self-approval and the will to succeed. For such people "good" refers to whatever leads to self-fulfillment with values such as nobility, strength, courage, power and pride. The antithesis to the master morality is the"slave morality." This morality appeals to those who are uncertain of themselves, weak willed. They define "good" as what makes life easier, safer, with such qualities as patience, humility, charity, modesty and compassion. I agree and disagree with Nietzsche. I agree with the will to power. That all individuals are driven by this will. I am living proof. I want to be in charge of my future. I have goals in every aspect of my life that I want to fulfill, everyone does. Without these goals there would be no motivation for life. Artists wouldn't want to be artists, scientists wouldn't care about science, and people wouldn't care about themselves. I also agree with the master morality's virtues not the master morality as a perfect being. I think we need these virtues In order to succeed in fulfilling the goals set forth by the will to power. I feel that when a person finds him or herself these master morality virtues are evident. The slave morality on the otherhand, I think has some virtues and some downfalls as Nietzsche suggests. Patience, modesty, charity and compassion are some of the virtues that Nietszche believes to be"sour grapes". I believe in these qualities. The part of the slave moral that I think is sour grapes is people who are not independent, look at others and follow, lack self respect, and people who waist their talents. I think that the "master morality" would include qualities from both of Nietzsche's personality types. It would include such virtues as personal power, strength, courage, pride, independence, patience, kindness, charity and compassion. This to me is a complete person. But this is reality and in reality you can have these virtues and at the same time stray from what you believe in. I think the key to life is to find oneself and to be happy. In today's society there are to many people who do not know who they are. People tend to follow the group. Dress how everyone else dresses, listen to the same music everyone else listens too and they never explore their own world. This to me is the "weak or slave." There is a whole world out there waiting to be found. Art, culture and nature if they only open their eyes to see it. Like Nietzsche's philosophy states, " even the weak have the desire for power." The weak to me look at others thinking that's the way to get it. The real root to power is within yourself. In finding yourself you need those virtues and when you find yourself they stay with you. Life is not as cut and dry as Nietzsche suggests. I don't believe in classifying the human race in to two categories. Life is too complex and the mind is a mysterious thing. Although the qualities and virtues talked about are ideal, I wish it was that simple to apply to a person. I think you have to take in account the persons surroundings, what influences the person has had in their life. Everything plays a role. Unfortunately the environment plays a large part in the development in a person. But I think it's never to late for a person to change or find him or herself. Life is a journey. One last thing that Nietzsche's philosophy states are that the weak were able to convert the strong or master morality race into thinking like them. This took place early in time when Constantine was in power. This seems to contradict Nietzsche's Master morality. The master morality is supposed mean that the person is very strong minded. This overhaul of thought makes his master morality concept look alittle weak and further supports my point that you can't classify people into two categories. The mind is a tricky thing.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Major General Henry Halleck in the Civil War
Major General Henry Halleck in the Civil War Henry Halleck - Early Life Career: Born January 16, 1815, Henry Wager Halleck was the son of War of 1812 veteran Joseph Halleck and his wife Catherine Wager Halleck. Initially raised on the family farm in Westernville, NY, Halleck quickly grew to detest the agricultural lifestyle and ran away at a young age. Taken in by his uncle David Wager, Halleck spent part of his childhood in Utica, NY and later attended Hudson Academy and Union College. Seeking a military career, he elected to apply to West Point. Accepted, Halleck entered the academy in 1835 and soon proved to be a highly gifted student. During his time at West Point, he became a favorite of noted military theorist Dennis Hart Mahan. Henry Halleck - Old Brains: Due to this connection and his stellar classroom performance, Halleck was permitted to give lectures to fellow cadets while still a student. Graduating in 1839, he placed third in a class of thirty-one. Commissioned as a second lieutenant he saw early service augmenting the harbor defenses around New York City. This assignment led him to pen and submit a document on coastal defenses entitled Report on the Means of National Defense. Impressing the US Armys senior-most officer, Major General Winfield Scott, this effort was rewarded with a trip to Europe to study fortifications in 1844. While abroad, the Halleck was promoted to first lieutenant. Returning, Halleck gave a series of lectures on military topics at the Lowell Institute in Boston. These were later published as Elements of Military Art and Science and became one of the key works read by officers in the coming decades. Due to his studious nature and his numerous publications, Halleck became known to his peers as Old Brains. With the outbreak of the Mexican-American War in 1846, he received orders to sail for the West Coast to serve as an aide to Commodore William Shubrick. Sailing aboard USS Lexington, Halleck used the long voyage to translate noted theorist Baron Antoine-Henri Jominis Vie politique et militaire de Napoleon into English. Arriving in California, he initially was tasked with building fortifications, but later took part in Shubricks capture of Mazatln in November 1847. Henry Halleck - California: Brevetted to captain for his actions at Mazatln, Halleck remained in California after the wars conclusion in 1848. Assigned as military secretary of state for Major General Bennett Riley, governor of the California Territory, he served as his representative at the 1849 constitutional convention in Monterey. Due to his education, Halleck played a key role in shaping the document and was later nominated to serve as one of Californias first US Senators. Defeated in this effort, he helped found the law firm of Halleck, Peachy Billings. As his legal business increased, Halleck grew wealthy and elected to resign from the US Army in 1854. He married Elizabeth Hamilton, the granddaughter of Alexander Hamilton, that same year. Henry Halleck - The Civil War Begins: An increasingly prominent citizen, Halleck was appointed a major general in the California militia and briefly served as president of the Atlantic Pacific Railroad. With the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, Halleck promptly pledged his loyalty and services to the Union cause despite his Democratic political leanings. Due to his reputation as a military scholar, Scott immediately recommended Halleck for appointment to the rank of major general. This was approved on August 19 and Halleck became the US Armys fourth-most senior officer behind Scott and Major Generals George B. McClellan and John C. Frà ©mont. That November, Halleck was given command of the Department of the Missouri and dispatched to St. Louis to relieve Frà ©mont. Henry Halleck - War in the West: A talented administrator, Halleck quickly reorganized the department and worked to expand his sphere of influence. Despite his organizational skills, he proved a cautious and difficult commander to serve under as he often kept plans to himself and seldom ventured from his headquarters. As a result, Halleck failed to cultivate relationships with his key subordinates and created an air of mistrust. Concerned about Brigadier General Ulysses S. Grants history of alcoholism, Halleck blocked his request to mount a campaign up the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. This was overturned by President Abraham Lincoln and resulted in Grant winning victories at Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in early 1862. Though troops in Hallecks department won a string of victories in early 1862 at Island No. 10, Pea Ridge, and Shiloh, the period was marred by constant political maneuvering on his part. This saw him relieve and reinstate Grant due to concerns over alcoholism as well as repeated attempts to enlarge his department. Though he played no active role in the fighting, Hallecks national reputation continued to grow due to the performance of his subordinates. In late April 1862, Halleck finally took to the field and assumed command of a 100,000-man force. As part of this, he effectively demoted Grant by making him his second-in-command. Moving cautiously, Halleck advanced on Corinth, MS. Though he captured the town, he failed to bring General P.G.T. Beauregards Confederate army to battle. Henry Halleck - General-in-Chief: Despite his less than stellar performance at Corinth, Halleck was ordered east in July by Lincoln. Responding to McClellans failure during the Peninsula Campaign, Lincoln requested that Halleck become the Union general-in-chief responsible for coordinating the actions of all Union forces in the field. Accepting, Halleck proved disappointing to the president as he failed to encourage the aggressive action that Lincoln desired from his commanders. Already hampered by his personality, Hallecks situation was made more difficult by the fact that many of his nominally subordinate commanders routinely ignored his orders and thought of him as nothing more than a bureaucrat. This proved the case in August when Halleck was unable to convince McClellan to rapidly move to Major General John Popes aid during the Second Battle of Manassas. Losing confidence after this failure, Halleck became what Lincoln referred to as little more than a first rate clerk. Though a master of logistics and training, Halleck contributed little in terms of strategic guidance to the war effort. Remaining in this post through 1863, Halleck continued to prove largely ineffective though his efforts were hampered by interference from Lincoln and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. On March 12, 1864, Grant was promoted to lieutenant general and made Union general-in-chief. Rather than sack Halleck, Grant shifted him to the position of chief of staff. This change suited the studious general as it allowed him to excel in those areas which he was best suited. As Grant embarked on his Overland Campaign against General Robert E. Lee and Major General William T. Sherman began advancing on Atlanta, Halleck ensured that their armies remained well-supplied and that reinforcements found their way to the front. As these campaigns pushed forward, he also came to support Grant and Shermans concept of total war against the Confederacy. Henry Halleck - Later Career: With Lees surrender at Appomattox and the end of the war in April 1865, Halleck was given command of the Department of the James. He remained in this post until August when he was transferred to the Military Division of the Pacific after quarreling with Sherman. Returning to California, Halleck traveled to newly-purchased Alaska in 1868. The following year saw him return east to assume command of the Military Division of the South. Headquartered at Louisville, KY, Halleck died in this post on January 9, 1872. His remains were buried at Green-Wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, NY. Selected Sources Civil War Trust: Major General Henry W. HalleckCivil War: Henry HalleckNNDB: Major General Henry W. Halleck
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Find the Beehive Cluster
Find the Beehive Cluster Cancer: Home of the Beehive Cluster Stargazing is part observation and part planning. No matter what time of year it is, you always have something cool to look at or you are planning out your future observations. Amateurs are always plotting their next conquest of a difficult-to-spot nebula or the first view of an old favorite star cluster. Take the Beehive Cluster, for example. Its in the constellation Cancer, the Crab, which is a zodiac constellation that lies along the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun across the sky throughout the year. This means that Cancer is visible for most observers in both the northern and southern hemispheres in the evening sky from late winter from about January through May. Then it disappears in the glare of the Sun for a few months before showing up in the early morning sky beginning in September. Beehive Specs The Beehive is a little star cluster with the formal Latin name Praesepe, which means the manger. Its just barely a naked-eye object, and looks like a fluffy little cloud. You need a really good dark-sky site and reasonably low humidity to see it without using binoculars. Any good pair of 7Ãâ€"50 or 10Ãâ€"50 binoculars will work, and will show you a dozen or two stars in the cluster. When you look at the Beehive, you see stars that are about 600 light-years away from us. There are about a thousand stars in the Beehive, some similar to the Sun. Many are red giants and white dwarfs, which are older than the rest of the stars in the cluster. The cluster itself is about 600 million years old. One of the interesting things about the Beehive is that it has very few massive, hot, bright stars. We know that the brightest, hottest and most massive stars usually last anywhere from ten to several hundred million years before they explode as supernovae. Since the stars we DO see in the cluster are older than this, either it lost all its massive members already, or perhaps it didnt start with many (or any). Open Clusters Open clusters are found throughout our galaxy. They usually contain up to a few thousand stars that were all born in the same cloud of gas and dust, which makes most of the stars in a given cluster roughly the same age. The stars in an open cluster are mutually gravitationally attracted to other when they first form, but as they travel through the galaxy, that attraction can be disrupted by passing stars and clusters. Eventually, an open clusters stars move so far apart that it disintegrates and its stars are scattered to the galaxy. There are several known moving associations of stars that used to be open clusters. These stars are moving at roughly the same velocity but are not gravitationally bound in any way. Eventually they, too, will wander on their own paths through the galaxy. The best examples of other open clusters are the Pleiades and the Hyades, in the constellation Taurus.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Ethics Awareness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethics Awareness - Essay Example Since ethics is considered as general education, it covers several fields or topics such as cultural diversity, way of life and the traditions in different societies. These allow one to understand the values that are accepted in different societies. In addition, one will have knowledge on the extensive diversity of practices in different societies and this widens ones’ mind with skills and knowledge (Paul & Elder, 2006). General studies provide a wide range of knowledge in that one is capable of understanding or acquiring much knowledge that will help in widening ones’ mind and improve the reasoning capacity of the individual. This is because general studies allow one to acquire knowledge from variety of sources. General studies include reading, observation, listening, experimentation and many others. It may also include research and analysis (Andrew & Martyn, 2004). General studies enable effective communication, creative and critical thinking in situations where technical decisions are needed. This is because it develops the reading, listening and speaking skills that improve communication. On the other hand, an individual who have undergone general studies possesses a lot of knowledge. This knowledge allows one to analyze creatively and critically any situation and give the best solution to the challenges encountered. It also allows good coexistence in the society as one can understand the behavior of the other in the society. General studies enables one to identify and distinguish what is good from the bad and live according to the values that are needed in the society (Andrew & Martyn,
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Khmer Rouge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Khmer Rouge - Essay Example    The Khmer Rouge or Red Khmer - a communist party - governed in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. However, they remained active even after the fall of their regime by engaging in guerrilla fighting against the new government. In other words, they turned into a terrorist group. Although they do not seem to be active right now - they were dropped from the list of foreign terrorist organizations of the Department of State because they "ceased to exist as a viable terrorist organization" (Cronin, 2003) - the time when they were active is too close and, therefore, they cannot be ignored.    Moreover, bearing in mind the genocide that the Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Pol Pot carried out in Cambodia, we should assume that the potential threat from this group implies threat for the lives of many people.    The Khmer Rouge are the perpetrators of the frightful genocide in Cambodia from 1970s. Although the Pol Pot regime (1975-1979) with the killing fields and the horrors of mass destruction is now a thing of the past, the Khmer Rouge seem to never have changed: "There is little sign that the ideology, leadership or social regulations of the Khmer Rouge have change significantly since their bloody reign from 1975 to 1979." (PoKempner, 1995) This conclusion is based on a report by Human Rights Watch, based itself on observations from 1994 to 1995, almost 20 years after the end of the Pol Pot regime.    Such evidence shows that a group with a history like that of the Khmer Rouges has little potential for change. Therefore, we should expect that their disregard for human life has remained the same over the years and any anti terrorist strategy should be developed with regard to that fact.    It is important to identify the specific military tactics of the Khmer Rouge so that we can be prepared for specific responses. Here are a few of the distinguishing characteristics of Khmer Rouge
Friday, January 24, 2020
Write a Letter Requesting a Donation :: Donation Letter Security Safety
October 1, 2002 To Customer List Customer Address Line 2 Customer Address Line 3 Customer Address Line 4 Dear [Customer Name]: Will You Join Me In Protecting Our Community? I am sending this to you as a fellow member of the Rolling Acres community. I'm sure that you value living in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood, just like I do. You know, sometimes in order to keep one's community "quiet and peaceful" one has to take action. That's what this letter is all about - taking action - community action. By now, via media reports and word of mouth you must be aware of the significant increase in house break-ins in this neighborhood over the past couple of years. In fact, the break-in rate has more than doubled over the past three years. According to the police this is just a sign of the times changing as the economic downturn continues and local businesses and factories continue to close their doors for good. As you may know, a local Community Action Committee has been meeting over the past four months to try and find ways to reduce the break-in rate in Rolling Acres. Last week they released their recommendations on how to best combat the problem. Their primary recommendation calls for increased police and security patrols to supplement the local Neighborhood Watch program. They estimate that the extra cost to double nighttime (after dark) security patrols by Security Inc. will be in the range of $14,000 to $19,000 per year. Unfortunately, this amount is not included in this year's municipal budget allocation and there are no additional funds available to us. Therefore, as a concerned member of this community I have decided that my business will take the lead in assisting with this year's security control budget. Accordingly, Bubbas's Hardare will donate $1 for every $2 raised in the community to cover the additional security costs. I urge you to join me today in supporting this worthy cause for the common good of our community.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
STP analysis on sunsilk Essay
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the guidance and support you have provided me during the course of this report. Without your help, this report would have been impossible to complete. To prepare the report we collected what we believe to be most relevant information to make our report as reliable as possible. We have concentrated our best effort to achieve the objectives of the report and hope that our endeavor will serve the purpose. The practical knowledge and experience gathered during report preparation will immeasurably help in our future professional life. We request you to excuse us for any mistake that may occur in the report despite of our best effort. We would really appreciate it you enlighten us with your thoughts and views regarding the report. Also, if you wish to enquire about an aspect of our report, we would gladly answer your queries. Executive Summary Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch company, with a history of grand operation, on which it has gradually built its capital. Today it owns most of the world’s consumer product brands in food, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products. Unilever Bangladesh Ltd is one of the world’s most successful fast moving consumer goods manufacturing companies with local manufacturing facilities, reporting to regional business groups for innovation and business results. Unilever brands are trusted everywhere and, by listening to the people who buy them, they’ve grown into one of the world’s most successful consumer goods companies. In fact, 150 million times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product. Unilever Bangladesh Limited has five departments to carry out all the organizational functions. Our report is on â€Å"STP Analysis on Sunsilk†.This report is designed in three chapters. Initially the opening words about the report were described in the first segment titled â€Å"Introduction†where we discuss about â€Å"Overview of Unilever†contains the history of Unilever, Unilever Bangladesh Ltd, and Organizational structure. Next chapter is on STP analysis. And in last part we give the conclusion and Bibliography. Introduction: The main objective of this report is to have an assessment about STP analysis. How they manage all their market segmentation, Target market and their positioning. Here we give brief idea about the company, industry and product. Company Overview: Unilever is a corporation, formed of Anglo Dutch parentage that owns many of the world’s consumer brands in foods, beverages, agents and personal care. It was created in 1930 by the merger of British soap Brothers and Dutch margarine producer Margarine Unit. In the 1930s the business of Unilever grew and new ventures were launched in Latin. Since then Unilever has made tremendous growth, going through economic crises like the First World War and the Great Depression. Today the company is fully multinational with operating companies in over 100 countries, employing about 179000 employees. With the onset of the 21stcentury, Unilever implemented a strategy known as ‘Path to Growth’ to transform business and to launch their Vitality mission. With 400 brands spanning 14 categories of home, personal care and foods products, no other company touches so many people’s lives in so many different ways. 150 million times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product. From feeding one’s family to keeping one’s home clean and fresh, Unilever brands are part of everyday life. Unilever’s mission is to add Vitality to life. It meets every day needs for nutrition; hygiene and personal care with brands that help people look good, feel good and get more out of life. Here we give the SWOT analysis of Unilever: SWOT analysis: The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company and describes the opportunities and threats facing Unilever Bangladesh Ltd. Strengths: †¢In depth industry experience and insight †¢Largest amount of share in the market †¢Having a good number of established brands †¢An excellent distribution network †¢Competitive advantages Weaknesses: †¢Reliance on outside raw materials †¢So many substitutes available in the market †¢Lack of control in the market. If any disruption arises between company and distributor then the whole market suffers. †¢Lack of informational reliability, since the market is too large Opportunities: †¢Participation within a growing industry †¢Utilization of changing lifestyle of people for increasing demand †¢Scope of expanding the market vertically and horizontally †¢Application of new tactics and surprise packages †¢Niche marketing Threats: †¢Threats of the market challengers †¢A negative effect on people’s spending because of the current financial crisis †¢Existence of political unrest though out the country The motto of Unilever is to hold its strengths the longest time possible. It is also working constantly with a view to using its opportunities at best. In spite of being the market leader Unilever Bangladesh has some weaknesses and threats. Its research department is working hard to make strategies to overcome those weaknesses and threats. Product Overview: Sunsilk is a hair care brand, primarily aimed at women, produced by the Unilever group, which is now considered the world’s leading company in hair conditioning and the second largest in shampoo.Sunsilk is Unilever’s leading hair care brand, and ranks as one of the Anglo-Dutch conglomerate’s â€Å"billion dollar brands†. Sunsilk shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products are sold in 69 countries worldwide. Sunsilk is sold under a variety of different names in markets around the world including Elide, Seda and Sedal. The brand is strongest in Asia, Latin America and the Middle East and is the number one hair care brand in India, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Thailand. Sunsilk was launched in the UK in 1954, and by 1959 it was available in 18 different countries worldwide. At the time, Sunsilk had an advantage over other shampoos in the market as it only needed one application, and so meant washing less natural oils from the hair. Sunsilk cream shampoo for dry hair was launched in 1956 and from 2009 Sunsilk started working with a number of professional hair â€Å"experts†to develop new and improved products. Each hair â€Å"issue†variant links to an â€Å"expert†with the relevant specialist hair knowledge. For example, Dr Francesca Fusco, a New York dermatologist, co-created a â€Å"hair fall†variant for the brand. The lineup also includes: Jamal Hammadi for Black Shine, Rita Hazan for Vibrant Color, Teddy Charles for Plumped up Volume, Thomas Taw for Damage Reconstruction, Ouidad for Defined Curls and Yuko Yamashita – inventor of Japanese hair straightening process ‘YUKO’ – for Perfect Straight. Due to need of shampoo for oily hair and dandruff unilever launch a new variant of Sunsilk having citrus extracts. The range consists of Sunsilk: Yellow Sunsilk with Bio Proteins from Vegetable Extracts: Normal hair needs wholesome nourishment. New Sunsilk with Bio Protein extracted from Vegetable milk has nutrients that deeply penetrate each hair strand, to nourish it leaving hair strong and beautiful. Black Sunsilk with Melanin from Plant Extracts: Dull hair needs a rich black shine. New Sunsilk with Melanin extracted from plants serves this purpose very effectively. It helps in the growth and retention of the black color of hair, giving it a rich black shine. Green Sunsilk with Fruitamins Vitamins from fruit Extracts: Thin and limp hair needs extra body and volume. New Sunsilk with Fruitamins has natural extracts from fruit that contains Vitamins. These vitamins help in giving extra body, shine and amazing manageability to the thinning and lifeless hair. Pink Sunsilk with yoghurt proteins: Dry hair needs wholesome conditioning, extra shine and style. New Sunsilk with yoghurt proteins makes the dry hair full of life. Its especial ingredients moisturize each hair right to its tips leaving it shiny and beautiful. Orange Sunsilk with active nutrients from Citrus Extracts: The advanced formula of orange Sunsilk is the result of the latest research. This shampoo is especially designed for oily hair type that looks flat and greasy due to the excess of moisture. New Sunsilk with active ingredients from citrus extracts cleans the excess oil off hair while its nutrients deeply penetrate each hair strand to nourish it. Industry Overview: In Bangladesh many brands are available in shampoo category. Unilever, Square Toiletries and P&G are the leading brands. Unilever produces Sunsilk and Clear, Jui is produced by Square and Pantene and Head & Shoulder produced by P&G. Moreover, there are some low brands which are operating in Bangladesh. Unilever grab the highest market share and in the leading position. Figure: Market Share STP Analysis: Segmentation: Geographic Segmentation Sunsilk ignored geographic segmentation for product; sunsilk segmented the market based on intermarket segmentation. But sunsilk segmented the market based on geographic segmentation for advertising, promotion and sales efforts. Sunsilk divided the market into three groups. 1. European countries 2. Middle-East countries 3. Asia pacific countries In those segment advertising, promotion and sales efforts should be different. Demographic segmentation Gender Sunsilk divided the market into two groups based on gender. 1 Male consumer 2 Female consumer Age and life cycle stage Consumer needs and wants change with age. Sunsilk divided the female consumer market into three groups based on age. 1. Market segment of female age 16-21 2. Market segment of female age 22-40 3. Market segment of female age above 40 Income Sunsilk divided the market based on income. They divided the market into three groups based on income. 1. Upper class 2. Middle class 3. Lower class Psychographics: Social class Initially they launched sunsilk black shine mainly for higher class people and to some extent middle class people. Then, they launched mini pack for the lower class people. Behavioral: Benefit Benefit is a factor which effect on buying decision. Sunsilk divided the market into five groups based on benefits. Each segment required difference benefit. 1. Segment â€Å"A†(who need nourishment for normal hair) 2. Segment â€Å"B†(who need a rich black shine for dull hair) 3. Segment â€Å"C†(who need extra body and volume for Thin and limp hair) 4. Segment â€Å"D†(who need conditioning, extra shine and style for dry hair) 5. Segment â€Å"E†(who need oil free hair for oily hair type that looks flat and greasy due to the excess of moisture) Market Targeting Market segmentation reveals sunsilk’s market segment opportunities. In this stage sunsilk had to evaluate the various segments and decide how many and which segments it could serve best. Evaluating market segments Sunsilk mainly targeted the female segment and ignored the male segment. At first, sunsilk targeted tow segments of female consumer which was segment of female age 16-21 and segment of female age 22-40, but in their promotional activities they focused on all female segments. Sunsilk targeted those segments because those segments were the largest, profitable and there was no strong and aggressive competitor. After, sunsilk targeted the five segments of benefit and they lunched separate product for each segment. Undifferentiated marketing At first, sunsilk used undifferentiated marketing or mass-marketing strategy and they ignored market segment difference and targeted the whole market with one offer. Differentiated marketing Sunsilk also practice differentiated marketing strategy, they targeted five segments of benefit and they brought variety in their product. They lunched five varieties product for whole market. Sunsilk target five segments and designed separate offer for each segment. Positioning: Sunsilk is already a renowned brand in the shampoo industry. As we mentioned in the earlier part of the report, they segmented and targeted their market very carefully. We give the customers more benefits with same amount of price. We try to give the best to the customers. More for More More for same More for less Same for less Less for less For positioning our product our tagline will be â€Å"We care about your feeling†Positioning Statement: â€Å"To the young and middle age women, who have dull, oily, rough and dry hair, our sunsilk is hair solution that offers stylish, shiny, strong and oil free hair related to the competitors.†Conclusion: Sunsilk is a most prominent shampoo brand in the market. Now, it is consider as a market leader based on market share and the market size. Manufacturer of leading brands, including Fair & Lovely and Lipton Tea, Our brands help people to look good, feel good and get more out of life. Celebrating life for over 40 years and today, a company bringing world class consumer products to millions of people in the country we are Unilever.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Fdi Policies Of Indian And China - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 23 Words: 6767 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Chapter à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1: Introduction 1.1. Overview Foreign Direct Investment is a hot topic in most policy circles as it is associated in many instances with significant macroeconomic changes and improvements in the range of goods and services produced in recipient countries. Furthermore growth in recipient countries is often ascribed to these inflows and so competition for higher inflows of FDI has become competitive. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Fdi Policies Of Indian And China" essay for you Create order Most of the developing and developed countries increase their economy by enhancing their share in the global market through FDI inflows. As FDI shows more impact on the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy, most of the foreigners are investing their amount in other countries for improving their profits with less manpower and minimum initial cost. These inflows were easily achieved by the investors by just fulfilling their basic requirements and maintaining their policies. FDI can be used by the countries only when they meet some of the major requirements like transfer of capital, a source of funds for foreign operations, Control investment and a balance of payments flow (Nicolas, B., 2010). Even though the FDI inflows in developing countries are low that is nearly 5%, this shows more impact on the economy in terms of the development programs by introducing new technologies. This change will be occurred only in the surroundings of investment areas. Here, in this research the FDI inflows between India and China are studied by comparing both the countries. Further of this study clearly explains the various aspects that are considered by the India and China for increasing the FDI inflows in the global market and also illustrates the policies that are followed by China as most of the investors prefer China when compare to the India. Finally, it recommends some of the policies and the changes that need to be made by the Indian Government for improving its FDI inflows. 1.2. Aim and Objectives Aim: To study the variations between the FDI policies of Indian and China based on their inflows and overall performance of the economy. Objectives: To study the importance of FDI and the required fundamental policies for acquiring the FDI. To research on the impact of FDI inflows in India and China based on their overall performance. Identifying the possible steps for Indian policy makers for improving their FDI inflows. Statistically evaluating the comparison between India and China in terms of FDI inflows. 1.3. Purpose of Study This study mainly focuses on the Foreign Direct Investment, the role of FDI in India and China and also illustrates the comparison between these two countries in terms of FDI. This research is selected in order to know more about the investments made by the developing countries and the involvement in international financial banking markets to influence the global and political aspects. This study is mostly useful for the people who are willing to know about the role played by FDI in the fast growing countries like India and China where these two countries differs in their environmental conditions. While researching about the FDI in both countries, one can easily analyze that China is showing more interest in attracting the FDI and is leading their economy when compare to India. So in order to clearly investigate on this point, this study also focuses on the aspects and the policies that need to be designed by the Indian country for attracting the investors and also to increase the ov erall performance of the economy by raising the inflows when compared to China. 1.4. Research Context In this study the researcher is focused on the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s largest two most populated countries: India and China with a greatest history background. These two countries are known to be fast growing countries in the world and are known for their ample facilities and environmental conditions. These two countries are economically improving their standards in terms of technology and infrastructural growth. However, China is considered to be more positive in terms of attracting FDIà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and are almost leading the comparison with India. In this research the time is a biggest constrain and to understand the research physically is really a tough target for the researcher by visiting both countries to meet and interview/ survey the financial organizations experts from various locations. However it is also noticed that in India only the FDI policies are changing from place to place based on the local governments rules and regulations. All the major rules and regulati ons governed by RBI and Government of India are applicable, addition to that the investing company also needs to ensure that the environmental and ethical issues are not disturbed by the foreign investors in local and urban areas of various parts of India. As an example, there are some pilgrim places of India which does not allow non à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" vegetarian food or related items so in that circumstance neither Government of India or RBI cannot allow the foreigners to invest their amount for a restaurant or bar and etc. Similarly in China it is one of the largest countries in the world and is having different cultures and backgrounds with in the country. Hence from the above context it is understood that this research will mainly focus on the secondary data available and in some areas it can get into the help of people related to the financial and banking industry. 1.5. Research Methodology For conducting any type of research, the data needs to be gathered by the researcher where this collected information should be in such a way that it is valid and accurate. Researcher need to choose a suitable method from various research methods, by which the researcher can successfully finish the research. Generally there exist two different types, primary data and secondary data. Primary data mainly focus on the aim of the research where the researcher can easily collects the information from various methods like surveys, interviews, etc. Where as in the secondary data, the researcher can collect the data only from the sources like journals, books, magazines, online articles, etc. where the researcher need to collect the accurate data as these recourses will not focus on the aim of research (Kumar, R., 2005). Here in this research, researcher collects the information through secondary data as the main aim of this research is to compare the FDI inflows in both India and China. As t he time is the biggest constrain, it will be really tough target for the researcher to select the primary data as the researcher either need to do interview /survey with the concern persons by visiting two countries where it cannot be possible with the period of time. So, ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s better to prefer secondary data for gathering accurate information for the research by referring various resources. Hence, the research can be successfully completed by analyzing the collected information and drawing the conclusion from this data. Chapter à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2: Literature review 2.1. Overview This chapter will provide the suitable information and required material for completing research successfully with no issues during the research process. At the same time the literature review gives a basic idea about the research problem solving background with additional material from their related background history. The growth of multinational enterprise (MNE) activity in foreign direct investment (FDI) has grown at a faster rate than most other international transactions as well as the trade flows between countries. The research literature review covers the objects related to foreign direct investment, detailed introduction and description of FDI and impacts of FDI. International Monetary Fund (IMF) has defined the FDI as an international investment of one company with the target of enduring relationship i.e. Investments made by company must exceed the equity of Target Company by 10%. The major requirements of the investors will help in faster growth of their organization which is explained by Nicolas, B. (2010) in terms of Control investments, supply of funds for foreign operations, a balance of payments flow and Capital transfers. 2.2. Brief History and background of Foreign Direct Investment In the present world, there exist various investment techniques for the corporations for increasing their growth. If these industries lacks in making right decisions in their investment then it may lead to reduce their growth and their level in the global market. So, many of the countries prefer Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) compare to other techniques because most of the corporations get affected financially due to their investment decisions. Mostly FDI is preferred as it is considered as an integral part of an open and effective international economic system and also referred as the major catalyst to development (OECD, 2002). In the present market, USA stood a number one position in FDI flows. According to Nicolas Breitfeld (2010, p.1), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is defined by the IMF as an international investment of one company with the intention of lasting relationshipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) plays an important role in the financial se ctor. Generally most of the countries believe that increasing the international linkages through FDI is an important feature of financial globalization and elevates the major challenges for statistics and policymakers in industrial and developing countries (Neil, K. P., 2004). Further of this section, it clearly discusses the views of authors on FDI, the importance of FDI and mainly focuses on the issues that are being faced by the countries while introducing the FDI. Even-though authors define Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in different ways based on their research it is mainly mend to development on countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and globalization. Some of the authorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s views on FDI are discussed below: According to Organization for Economic Co-Operation and development (OECD) (2008, p.62), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) occurs when a business located in one country (the direct investor) invests in a business located in another country (the direct investment enterprise) with the objective of creating a strategic and a lasting relationshipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Here, the author suggests that occurrence of FDI exists only when the business persons invests their money in another country. They invest their income in another country by making some rules and regulations in their relationship. But according to Alexander, L. and IMFD, (2002), foreign direct investment defined as the integration of three components which are illustrated below: The branch profits need to be distributed and divided in equity without any holding withholding taxes. Accrued interest need to be paid to the direct investor by the direct investment enterprise, this can also be referred as income on debt. Earnings are reinvested in proportion with the direct investment stake. In this context, author says that the investment and the interest benefited by the business people need to be redistributed in an equal proportion among the investor and the direct investment enterprise. At the same time, Neil, K. P. (2004, p.3), discusses that according to BPM5 (Balance of Payments Manual) FDI defined à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“as a category of international investment that reflects the objective of a resident in one economy (the direct investor) obtaining a lasting interest in an enterprise resident in another economy (the direct investment enterprise)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?.  Here, the author discuss that FDI indirectly affects the economy of another country as the other country invest their income on another country for gaining interest on their investment. Even though the opinions and views of the authors differs in defining the FDI but all the authors focus on only one point that is the benefit dragged by the investor and the direct investment enterprise. These investors of get benefited globally with FDI on the interest on their investment and also increases their international linkages with the industries established in another country.  2.3. Impacts of FDI Foreign Direct Investment is considered as a driver of economic growth and development for developing countries which often lack the technology or capital to promote sustained economic growth and development. Mostly, FDI is considered as one of the major drivers of globalization as it continuously raises with the high growth rates before the financial crisis hit the world economy. The way through which FDI promotes economic growth and development to the countries is contentious because there is no definitive evidence and lags in supporting the literature. Even though there is no empirical evidence in representing the impact of FDI on the countries there are some theoretical explanations from which one can easily analyse the impacts of FDI on developed and developing countries. According to Bora, B. (2002, p.168), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“FDI flows were increasing rapidly much more quickly than international trade flows, which in turn were increasing faster than world GDPà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Laura Al faro (2003) says that FDI offers great advantages to host countries because many of the academics and policy makers argue that there exists a most important positive effect on the development of host countries. FDI not only acts as the source of the valuable technology but also helps the countries in developing the linkages with the local firms that indirectly helps the country in raising the economy. Due to these reasons, most of the developing and industrialized countries offer incentive for encouraging the FDI in their economies. The environmental impacts of foreign direct investment may be positive, negative or neutral based on the institutional and industrial context. Gorg and Greenwood (2002) comes under a conclusion that the effect due to FDI is negative by reviewing the information from the foreign-owned to domestically owned firms. But Lipsey (2002) supports the positive benefits in preferring FDI. FDI flows attained a new record level right from the year 1990 to 2000. Then , from the year 2001 the growth in the investment failed and the later years it saw a steady and steep decline in global FDI flows. , Figure: Shows trends in global FDI flows during the year 1991 to 2003 (FDI, 2007, p.7). FDI affects the economic growth of the country in various aspects like it raises the formation of human capital, provides a facility to transfer the technology between the host countries and also stimulates the domestic investment. The relationship between the impact of FDI and economic growth can be easily analyzed with the help of production function and also with the other variables that affect economic growth such as domestic, trade, labour and capital (Falki, N. 2009). Production function was done based on the endogenous growth. According to Kumar, N. (1998, p.112), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Direct investment was thought of mainly as a flow of capital, possibly replacing local capital or possibly representing marginal additions to the host countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s capital stock, followed by the necessity of financing dividends and interest, and possibly repatriation of capitalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Some of the authors studied on the impact of FDI on economic growth in developing countries where those opinions are illustrated below: Authors views on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Does FDI promote Economic Growth in developing countriesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ S.No. Authorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s name Researched during the year Does FDI promote Economic Growth in developing countries (Yes/No/May be) Explanation 1. Balasubramanyam 1996, 1999 May be Requires open or neutral trade regime 2. Borensztein 1998 May be Depends on education level of workforce 3. De Mello 1999 May be Depends on degree of complementarily and substitution between FDI and domestic investment 4. Graham and Wada 2001 Yes Raised per capita GDP in Chinese provinces with FDI concentration 5. Graham 1995 May be TNCà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s market power can generate negative impacts 6. Loungani and Razin 2001 May be Risks 7. Lim 2001 May be Depends on tax incentives, regulatory and legal impediments, macroeconomic instability 8. Marino 2000 May be Requires open trade and investment policies 9. Mallampallyand Sauvant 1999 May be Requires human resource development, information and other infrastructure 10. Markusen and Venables 1999 Yes Raises productivity and exports of domestic firms, generates spillovers 11. Rodrik 1999 No Reverse causality: TNCs locate, rather than drive growth, in more productive and faster growing countries Table: Shows the authors explanation on Does FDI Promote Economic Growth in developing Countriesthis is a question? (LyubaZarsky, 2005, p.25) From the above table, it can be understood that out of 11 authors, only 2 authors support that FDI promotes economic growth in the developing countries as they explain that it raises the productivity, exports of domestic firms and stated a practical example that it raised the percapita GDP of china government with the help of FDI. Rodrik, opposed the views of the other authors on supporting the FDI as based on their research. From Rodrik research, it has been stated that it doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t shown impact rather it was derived as a reverse causality. Apart from these three authors, the remaining 8 authors were in a dynamo whether to support the FDI or not because all these authors states that the impact on FDI on economic growth depends only on the circumstances that the author considers but not on any other aspects. For example: FDI shows more impact on economic growth only when the government fulfil some basic needs such as require open trade, investment policies, human resou rce development, information, other infrastructure, etc. If these requirements are fulfilled by the government then automatically it get benefited with the FDI but if it fails in reaching those needs then it may face some risks due to the policies and the agreement between the countries. Hence, it can be stated that impacts of FDI directly depends on the situations and circumstances that are being considered by the government. By tightening of international financial conditions will have as awful effect on inflows of FDI. In the recent years, this has been main source of assets for many countries (U. N. Staff. 2009).FDI shows more effect on the economic growth of the countries as it provides various benefits to the countries that acquire FDI are illustrated below (Khan Arshad, 2007): Introduces the latest techniques and technologies of marketing and management à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" with the help of FDI, the developing countries can know more about the latest techniques and the technologies that are being used by the developed countries. By acquiring and implementing these latest technologies in the developing countries, to some extent it can increase its growth in terms of economy. Exploitation and utilization of local raw materials à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" usage of raw materials in the countries will be increased by exporting these excess materials to other countries and get benefited with them by importing other raw materials from other country which are shortage in their countries. Can be easily access to the new technologies as there will be a rapid flow between the countries, each of the country can know more easily about the other country and their religion. Based on this analysis, it can assess and access the technologies in their own region by making contract with the other countries. Financial flows between the countries Foreign inflows between the countries are used for financing current account deficits. The finance flows between the countries are transferred in the form of FDI where it doesnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t generate interests and repayment of principal but internally raises the human capital stock through job training. Chapter à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 3: Empirical Literature on FDI based on INDIA and CHINA 3.1. Effects of FDI on all other countries when compared with India and china The existence of a strong negative relationship between trade share and country size was supported by the literature on trade and development. Country size and trade ratio are inversely proportional in size (larger the size of the country smaller is the trade ratio), the foreign trade, investment, and technology transfer between countries will directly affect the degree of sincerity and competitive pressures emanating from abroad (Pieter, B. 2007). Thus, the impact of these competitive pressures would be much less in a large country such as China and India than that among other East Asian NICs. In recent years china had recognized its need towards foreign trade, investment and technology with the aim of modernization, nothing like the Third World developing countries (India) that impoverished foreign capital. 1984-85 1994-95 1999-2000 2004-05 2006 2007 World 2.2 4.8 18.3 9.0 12.9 14.8 Developed economies 2.1 3.9 19.1 7.7 12.80 15.6 Developing economies 2.8 8.1 15.8 11.9 12.5 12.6 Developing Asia 2.3 7.9 12.1 9.9 11.0 10.6 East Asia 1.9 9.0 14.8 9.3 8.7 8.6 China 1.8 15.9 10.4 7.7 6.4 5.9 South Asia 0.2 1.7 2.4 3.3 6.2 5.7 India 0.1 1.7 2.7 3.1 6.6 5.8 Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2: shows FDI inflow as percentage of gross domestic fixed capital formation (GDFCF), 1944 -2007. (Source: Prema, C. A. 2009, p.379) The average annual level of FDI inflow for developing Asia had raced sharply from US$ 19 billion during 1984 1985 to US$ 500 billion till 2007, at the same time share to developing countries have raised from 15.1 to 17.4 percent which is shown in the above table. The gross domestic fixed capital (GDFCF) as a share of FDI inflow is higher for all the developing countries in the period 1984 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1996 and reversal due to the Asian financial crisis during 1997 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 98. FDI inflow for developing Asia with the average FDI/GDFCF ratio during entire period 1984 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2007 is approximately 9 percent and 7.1 per cent when compared with all the developing countries at the same time the global average is 7.4 per cent. China is the recipient country of inward flow and the largest developing country from past two decades where it has been investigated a theoretical increase in inflow with in developing Asia. Among all the countries china was in the second position for total FDI flow as per the ASEAN countries, with increased average annual level of US$ 3 billion during 2000-2007, and from the year 1980 to 1997 almost before six years china was in the second half with US$ 30 billion which was the onset effect of financial crises from 1997-98, due to decline and with determination from about US$ 35 billion per annum before the year 1997 to an annual average of about US$ 24 billion between 1997à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"79. Establishment of export-oriented industries is heavily concentrated by chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s FDI, there observation on the share of FIEs for total exports in transition economies of china is two percent of expended persistently before 1980 and approximately 60 percent by the year 2006. India process to increases FDI participation in export- oriented activities which had remained at a outlier region of FDI whose one/third FDI during the independence in 1947 was a major amount of stock as a primary sector with plantation, mi ning and oil at the same time one/forth was the manufacturing and all the remaining stocks are in services, mostly trade, construction, transportation and utilities. The inflow started increasing in manufacturing from 1960s although with a divestment from this sector of FDI, since, low-wages, low skilled manpower are the Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s huge supply it can attract garments and other simple assembly activities which would indirectly favor the heavy foreign investment industry thus primarily focusing towards domestic market. From mid 1990s a slight increase in software is observed as well as significant competition with the world market at industrial production was not notable (Park, J. H. 2002).some of the difficulties which are to be faced and over come for fast development of the country . India faced many difficulties to attract foreign investors in both products and services market now it is only success to service industry of IT mainly. In order to overcome these difficu lties to stimulate domestic demand this is given in three steps: The interest rates should be competitive in RBI. Value added tax (VAT) are to be implemented. Reduce the budget deficit through government. Figure: shows the financial states of India and china GDP the total chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial assets is approximately 220 per cent of GDP at the same time Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial assets is 160 per cent, countries savings and investment is the great strength for chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial system and Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s financial system is outside occur in savings and investments (Sources: Slide share 2008, slide No:18). 3.2. Fundamental policies of FDI India followed market-distorting policies on both foreign and private investments thus with this estimation about barriers for imports and exports are analyzed. Thus it become necessary to control the production and distribution as well as administered price controls etc. The impacts of opening up policies are likely to open up with foreign trade, investment and technology transfer, which would be much less in large countries of china and India when compared with all other East Asian NICs. Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s opening policies in recent years is the success story with the favorable impact is not only for small economies but also for all large continental economies. China and India may not suffer from a large country constriction for adopting the export-oriented, outward-looking development strategy considerably (Park, J. H. 2002). The reformist policy is to fill the domestic savings gap which is necessary for economic development with foreign capital inflows, along with other goa ls in advanced foreign technology and managerial skills, and to promote exports to increase the foreign exchange earnings of the country. Due to open-door policy Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s trade and inflow of foreign direct investment and loans are impressive, thus within a very short time china became a major exporting country, and an export competitor with the East Asian NICs (Newly Industrializing Countries) and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries in the Asia Pacific region. The opening policies in china have contributed to the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic growth and development considering all domestic economic events. The Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic reforms undertaken in 1991 in light of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s experience with the export-oriented, foreign direct investment strategy for economic growth and development which has been examined with superiority of exportà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"oriented, outward-looking development strategies. Thus China c an provide important lessons and policy implications in economic development for all Third World developing countries like India. The success story of china open to worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy made it ideal for studying the relationship between trade and development as well as for testing the validity of export-promoting development strategy. 3.3. Historical Background and National Goals 3.3.1. History of FDI in India The generational explanation of history is given as follows after Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s independence: during 1947 to 48 there was the British owned the private foreign capital through the national policies resolution which is Swadeshi movement Industrial policy. In the next generation i.e. from 1949 to 1953 foreign investments where far away from trio of domestic business house with foreign capital as well as with the government nationalist sentiments. The second Economic plan was launched in 1957 as industrialization through import substitution and encouraging private investment. Some of the selected industries got foreign collaboration and JV mostly manufacturing companies which are retained participation in Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ FDI since 1960s, the devaluation of rupee encouraged the socialist idealism banks and foreign oil majors nationalized after late 1960s. After almost 8 years in 1968 the foreign investment board had encouraging investments on there own terms and cond uction. In the year 1973as per the Foreign Exchange Act (FERA) which launched a new article that all firms should come together for their foreign equity, holding 40% of foreign equity to be considered as Indian companies due to which IBM as well as coca cola is exited. After seven years of strict vigilance on FDI, from the year 1980 licensing procedures were liberalized to softened, technology transfer and royalty payments relaxed, foreign investment was encouraged wherever possible. During 1900-s rupee value got down, withdrawal of NRI money, India turned to IMF; there was liberalization on trade regime and regulatory frame work. Many of the industries were invited by FDI and in some cases limit was increased from 51% to 100%. The service sector was again opened for FDI. The political instability after 1995 had started but a perception towards FDI had changed due to changes in government kept focus on FDI. 3.3.2. History of FDI in China China has joined the joint venture with other countries in the year1979, and by the year 1986 china became fully foreign owned enterprise. It was divided into four zones namely Shantou, Shenzhen, and Xiamen in the year 1980. After four years in 1984 it was found that chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic zone has fourteen cities and whole china combined by late 1900à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. There was a rapid economic growth in reform period due to profusion of labour and its low costs, Rapid expansion of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s domestic market at the same time plays important role of overseas Chinese for increasing integration with world economy. The marketing effects are generally obtained by imports and exports in both bilateral countries. FDI is very essential for developing countries for Off setting the capital deficiency, Acquiring advanced technology, Gaining production know-how, Promoting exports as well as to Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2: shows FDI in India-China products Trade (in million US Dollars). (Source: Prema, C. A. 2009, p.379) The two highest population countries of the world are India and China which together contain approximately 40 per cent of the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s humidity on an adjacent landmass in Asia. Both countries are pride in birthplace of civilization entering the era of sharing worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s greatest development problem. The underdeveloped areas of these two countries is due to huge population relative to land and other resources, around 1950à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s there was no commitment to national planning for economic modernization as there was new governments of China and India, led by Mao Zedong and Jawaharlal Nehru so as to eliminate poverty and raise the standard of living (Park, J. H. 2002). Approaches to Development: Some of the important characteristics shared within India and China as the wealth of people relative to other rare resources such as arable land, natural resources, and capital suggesting the appropriate strategies for development would have involved production of labor-intensive goods. Among these some are exchanged for imports of capital goods and technology as per the necessity for development. For economic development and modernization India and China turned away from open-door strategies to integrate their economies into an international economy. Thus, both countries are turned away from export-oriented, outward-looking strategies and from integration into the world economy, now they are opened to outside world as force from western arms. At the same time both countries followed autarkic trade policies with a barrage of trade and exchange controls, which effectively cut off any link between domestic and international markets based upon import-substitut ing industrialization strategy as a promotion of heavy industries, and also scientifically categorize in opposition to agriculture by taxing it directly or indirectly finance industrialization. China, Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic planning where carried out under a parliamentary democratic organization to attain individual freedoms and for the market system to ensure economic decision-making all over the country, with all development policies planning for area with centralized government controls of a Soviet-type system are to be carried out. As Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s first 5-year of development plan was implemented in the year 1952, nationalization and land reform had recipe into effective tools for resource with mobilization and allocation. As they say year 1950 was the beginning of development race between India and china with similarity in their size, historical background, in their economic structure, status, similar national goals and aspirations for raising living stand ards with economic modernization and development: even though both countries have vast difference in their ideologies, in the government institutions and great approaches to implementing developmental policies and plans. Which it seems as if a insertion of races in major part of government officials, schools, citizens as well as in all the interested areas obtaining an outcome of the race as implementation of far-reaching. Economic Performance: The mobilizing domestic resources for economic development where performing well during 1950à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and 1960à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. It was possible to raise per capita income and living standards even in these populous countries after a big push argument for development working in reality to achieve demon- started in practice. Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1: Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s: major economic industries. (Source: Park, J. H. 2002 p.75) India and China are hindered by statistical problems of estimating the relative comparison of economic performance for Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s national output and population, while Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s data are believed to be more protected. After a number of researchers it is agreed that until the 1970s China grew faster than India. With all the mobilizing resources and channeling the investment activities will affect the promoted artificially, selected and well protected for attaining social and political processes that emerge gradually over time (Park, J. H. 2002). The Origins of Economic Reform: The two largest populated countries India and china where called as two Asian giants, but at the end of 1970s, it was clear that the winner of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the developmental raceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? is neither India nor China, race ended with a dark horses as the race in two Asian giants was soon lost, with the developmental strategies of four little East Asian tigers and became the focus of universal attention, at that movement the economic achievements by the East Asian NICs where extraordinary and historic, and their success has been appropriately coined as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the East Asian miracle.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? China and India, realized that their economies were under-performing, facing a number of problems of bitter with their own leadership, casting a shadow of policy instability and uncertainty. Due to disorder of Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) disruption to economic development had increased the genuineness and sensitivity of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s e conomic to overcome underperformance, at that movement à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a sense of political crisis and disillusionment with the established political framework that made radical economic reform possibleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? (Pieter, B. 2007, p.69) heightened the confidence for success with the cooperation of Chinese-based economies of Hong Kong and Taiwan than the success of Japan and Korea, the Politburo for Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s new economic policy of opening up to the outside world with a winning support is achieved at the end of 1978. The Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic reforms achieved a full swing in 1984 with a increase of output at approximately about 9 percent per year on average and per capita income more than doubled in a short time span with great confidence and struggle, with the success story of Chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s open-door policy the economic reforms increased heaviness for the reform in India. The average annual growth rates of real GNP of India had not more than 4 per cent for first 3 decades after independence and started growing economic performance during the period of 1960 to 1990 with a per capita GDP growth rate of 7 per cent approximately in the East Asian NIC, at the same time 5 percent of chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and only 2 per cent for India which was one of the lowest among all Asian development banks. 3.4. GROWTH PERFORMANCE BETWEEN INDIA AND CHINA Figure: shows the growth rate of FDI comparison. (Sources: Slide share 2008, slide No: 24) India and china will face a tie position in trade and investment for the benefit of both countries together. Over last 10 years India had improved its performance as outlook of chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s experience and sustained high growth for further opening of its economy externally and internally, with a bilateral approach at high national investment rate and stronger labor analysis in the modern sectors with a narrow high end manufacturing. The most important source of agricultural performance in India has huge rural poverty in many parts of the nation. At the same time china lag due to its great source of economic strength, a dynamic and relatively highly developed private corporate sector which are more effectively for national development. The junction of india and china in growth model seems to be similar and partially indicated. India and china had assumed limited economic reforms with same low capita income since 1970s. Some of the most important factors affecting the econom ic performance are given below: Initially there was a high growth in china (Pieter, B. 2007, p.123) Education (literacy) and health standards were considerably higher. China was having superior infrastructure. Market distortions in China were more severe than in India that unpredictably, means their correction offered greater potential for growth. India China GDP total 5.3 9.4 GDP per work 3.2 7.7 GDP per capital 3.3 8.1 Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 5: shows the Compound Annual Growth Rates in % p.a. 1978à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"2003. (Source: Pieter, B. 2007, p.133) The above table tells the GDP flow of India is changeable with a great potential and support where as China was emerging from the horrors to generate quick and large income gain for economic development. From 1970s china was capitalized on people readiness with initial market reforms focused on the rural economy for generating quick and large income gain for farmers who are the huge population, this lead to additional reforms to the entire economy thus establishing the economy to foreign investment and trade. During 1980s political apparatus and administrative have started concentrating on economic development, which is very difficult for India without the co-operation of major political parties, thus it can be observed form the statistical data shown below. Figure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 1: shows the Gross capital formation in % of GDP. (Source: Pieter, B. 2007, p.137) Figure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2: shows the statistical data of global GDP. (Source: Source: Pieter, B. 2007, p.136) This statistical figure gives the relative comparative estimation of all global GDP from early 1820s to next three decades of 2025s wherein one can observe a gradual flow rice since 1970s-2025 with almost 20 per cent of growth is aimed by china and India to be in the competitive position with all global countries. In mid-1980s restriction on domestic private enterprise was removed by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi from economic reforms sponsored with a primary focus on private enterprise and start foreign trade and investments since 1990s.india started portfolio investment long before chins but ,growth was less and unable to generate benefits due to large population than china . Even though there is a rapid growth in Indian economy with a fluctuation thought on commitment of market reforms. The difference between domestic and international competition and promoted market integration more aggressively and scientifically same as in India is eliminated expecting financial sector with a confident market forces in china, at the same time India largely resisted the open domestic distribution relating to foreign companies in china and proposed a process of collecting tariffs on the manufactured goods which is shown in table below. Simple Average Tariff (%) Weighted Average Tariff (%) 1985 2005 1985 2005 India 101.9 17.7 99.4 12.6 China 41.9 9.5 33.2 5.8 Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 6: shows the Import Tariffs on Manufactured Goods. (Source: Pieter, B. 2007, p.133) 5. The participation of women in economic growth is more in china than in India at the same time the inequality sexes was much more in India than in china .the table below shows the comparative information between India and china, with all the related social information. Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 6: comparative indications of some social activate. (Sources: Pieter, B. 2007, p.133) The household saving rate of India had risen that is almost higher than china with at most 5 per cent difference and a decline in its national saving rate. Difference in growth performance within natural investment rates is considered to have less important. From the table below one can know the sheer volume around 2005 with a fixed capital of china was 10 times more steel and 8 times more cement than that of India. Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 7: Statistics on Steel and Cement in India and China (million m. t.) (Sources: Pieter, B. 2007, p.133) 7. The major part of FDI inflow facilitated the reform policies of flexible labour laws, pro-investment incentive framework in china, with this more than 10 times of Indian FDI has china absorbed foreign technologies, management experience and marketing skills in a rapid sense with much larger scale than India as well as productivity growth in industrial sector is probably more larger than Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s inflexible labour laws which is seen in the table below Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 8: Share in Global Manufacturing Value Added and Exports (Sources: Pieter, B. 2007, p.134) The foreign and domestic private investment as well as employment growth in the formal economy is in very low position during 1980 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 2003, thus tells the part investment rate of the country. 8. China maintained the basic infrastructure on investments in all areas more before than India with large share of investable resources. 9. China explain about the greater à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"development-effectivenessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ which is measured by measured by the World Bank and given in the table below Table à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" 9: World Bank Governance Ranking of India and China in Survey for 209 Countries (2004). (Sources: Pieter, B. 2007, p.135) Since 1980s chinaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s per capita income grew faster than in India simultaneously on every dollar of GDP even with huge rate of population, at the same time with the low fertility rate it will begin to experience aging in labor force much earlier than in India. Government regulation when effecting India will restrict product market reforming in order to over come different situations such as: political issues of selection of areas like retailing, news media and defence are not deregulated politically: There are different types of products in different sizes especially in clothing and textiles which are approximately 830 products which still cannot receive FDI and canà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t even expand: Some of the market-harder for local companies for new innovations and be efficient towards the countryà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economy even with local supply chain remains inefficient and unexposed to the worldwide market skills and talent which may lead to loss of consumers income in whole economy as a general assumption to be considered liberalization of automotive industry and air line industry. The market restrictions is lacking because there is no definite infrastructure. For the competitive effect the lack of infrastructure is the biggest diffic ulty for growth, the physical infrastructure is controlled in a state but regional differences concentrating FDI for some specific regions only. With the implementation of some reforms inefficient will lead to regional parties with a political instability in state as well as central government making development projects. The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“electricity shortageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? infrastructure is based on electricity act 2003 amid to provide the electricity continuously and only eight states implement this act as low cost businesses. The structure of FDI will attract upgraded telecommunication highways and ports with power, railways, water and swage still major areas to be considered (Slide share 2008).
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