Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
How Does Reality Television Affect the Minds Essay Example
How Does Reality Television Affect the Minds Essay Example How Does Reality Television Affect the Minds Essay How Does Reality Television Affect the Minds Essay Reality television affects the minds of all who watch it, but has a big effect on children because it inhibits social interaction and it is not always intellectually stimulating. In my research paper, I will explain the lack of activities reality television has on young children, and how reality television causes too much drama. I also will explain how reality television affects the minds of young children. All children in industrialized parts of the world are exposed to television from birth onward, and they begin paying attention to it quite early. When they are between 2 and 5 years old, they form some basic conceptions about the representational nature of the television medium and begin to understand how the content shown on television is related to events in the real world. (Wright, Huston, Reitz, amp; Piemyat 1994) On average, children watch at least four hours of television a day. By the time they graduate from High School they will have spent more time in front of the television than they have in a classroom.If television is used right it can have an educational value, but too much television portraying improper values can harm children. (American Academy of Child amp; Adolescent Psychiatry, 2001) Watching reality television is like being addictive to drugs. Once a children starts to watch one episode they are ready for the next one. It goes on and on. A young child does not realize there are more things to life than to sit in front of a television all day. Reality television can affect a child sleep, grades, and behavior.According to the University of Michigan Health System, Spending too much time watching TV can take away from the healthy activities like active playing outside with friends, eating dinner together as a family, or reading. (2010) It is important for young children to interact with their peers because they learn to communicate and learn cognitive and motor skills. Young children that are inside watching reality shows all the time begin to gain excess weight because the lack of activities throughout the day. A young child should be doing homework or studying to increase their knowledge.Young children are watching celebrities’ relationships, how they are living, and how they make everything look so good on reality shows. Some reality television shows are inappropriate for young children such as Love amp; Hip Hop Atlanta. There are too much gossiping, inappropriate language, and drama. They walk around smoking, cussing and fighting with their housemates. They have multiple tattoos and piercings and show no respect. The men and women have multiple sex partners and sex is openly shown on the show. Love amp; Hip Hop gives children the idea that it is okay to live like this. Reality television can add some annoying if not downright dangerous new ideas to kids imaginations. It also shows kids a distorted view of reality, since these television programs dont bear much resemblance to the actual reality of daily life. (Langholt, 2010). It gives the idea that premarital sex, smoking, cussing, fighting, and dressing in a revealing style is normal. There are many video’s floating around the internet of children imitating various characters from this show. Kyla Boyse states, Media violence can contribute to aggressive behavior, desensitization to violence, nightmares, and fear of being harmed. (2010) Children should not be introduce to violence behavior because what they see on reality television shows they will think it is alright to do. They are young and act on things they see. With all the inappropriate language than after a while they will be using it. Reality television can add some annoying if not downright dangerous new ideas to kids imaginations. It also shows kids a distorted view of reality, since these television programs dont bear much resemblance to the actual reality of daily life. (Langholt 2010) Reality television affect young children mind in many ways. Langholt states, Children are like sponges and they soak up the many things that they see others doing on television, and often repeat what they see on television. (2010) Some have a favorite celebrity and they want to be just like that individual. Young children see the good of celebrities but not the bad. It is alright to be wanted to be like some of them but not all. Children are looking at the beauty and what they have, but little do they know, they have more problems than normal people.A child does not know that celebrities have on makeup, wigs, and the whole do. Good reality shows for kids are Little People Big World and 19 Kidsamp; Counting. On Little People Big World and 19 Kids amp; Counting teaches their children how to work for what they want. In conclusion, reality television shows can cause lack of activities and too much drama. Although reality television affects the minds of young children, and it inhibits social interaction, it can also educate them as well. Children should watch educational channel such as PBS, Nick, and TLC.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Job analysis 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Job analysis 2 - Essay Example Safdar et al. (2010) conclude that individuals with higher levels of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) tend to be better job performers. They also suggest that jobs need to be analyzed for the nature of the job and the nature of the relationships that the job entails as well as the job outcomes. Heathfield (2011) defines job analysis as â€Å"the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job†(para. 1). These are conducted in organizations as a strategic Human Resource Management practice with the aim of contributing to the efficiency of organizational performance (Cascio, 1998). Safdar et al. (2010) foresee that the increasing recognition of job analysis’ connection to H-R performance will make organizations conduct it more often in order to gain competitive advantage advantage (Anthony et al., 2002; Dessler, 2003). A job analysis was conducted on a lady director of a chi ldren’s centre. In this paper, she would be referred to as â€Å"jobholder†, being the subject of my job analysis. ... One day was a regular day on the job and the other day was observing her during a special event which is the parent orientation. She said I could ask her questions along the way. So the methods used in this job analysis are direct observation in the form of job shadowing, and interview. Job shadowing entailed my tailing her in the performance of her tasks for the day as she explained them to me. She assured me that I was free to interview her informally should any queries come up on my side. The job analysis that follows includes information gathered from both job analysis methods for the smooth flow of the analysis. Job Description The interview commenced with the jobholder describing her job. Such job description comprises the roles and responsibilities that the position entails. These are key determinants in estimating the experience, education, skill, etc. that the job requires. Heading a children’s centre entails a host of roles and responsibilities to keep it not only af loat but thriving at its optimal level. The jobholder is the managing director of a children’s centre and its sister preschool. Her job is being in charge of the day-to day operation of the centre which includes the over-all management of all areas from the availability of supplies, to scheduling of staff, to interviewing parents and to budget considerations, among many other responsibilities. She is there to ensure that the centre runs smoothly. She also works with a Board of Directors composed mostly of volunteer parents. They make final decisions on some financial issues. Aside from management concerns, she also does strategic planning with staff for brainstorming other decisions for the centre and the children. Although she does not have a teaching load, she is on
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Functional languages vs. imperative languages Essay
Functional languages vs. imperative languages - Essay Example Imperative languages are greatly influenced by the von Neumann architecture due to their high dependency on an instruction counter and a store. They have control structures, like for loops and while loops, which make incremental changes to the memory while iterating over instructions. Programs written in imperative languages are statement oriented, and their principle operation is the assignment of values to variables; in other words, computation is performed with side-effects (Lee 118). Unlike imperative languages, functional languages do not rely on the Von-Neumann architecture as they do not have any concern with variables but only data objects and values. The principle operation of functional languages is function application, and they treat functions as first-class objects that may be stored in data structures, passed as parameters, and returned as function results. Programs written in functional languages contain no variables, loop statements, and assignment statements, and use parameters and return values to communicate values; in other words, computation is performed with no side-effects (Lee 119). Imperative languages heavily rely on side-effects to implement their state and perform their operations. On the other hand, functional languages lack side-effects which allow them to always produce the same result when given with the same parameters. This characteristic of functional languages is called ‘referential transparency’ which makes the semantics of these languages far simpler than the semantics of imperative languages (Kedar and Thakare 6-4). In functional languages, the return value of the function can be of any data type including function type. But this is not possible in imperative languages; functions defined in imperative languages are restricted to return values of specific data types (Kedar and Thakare 6-4). Programs written
Monday, November 18, 2019
International Business and Trade. WTO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International Business and Trade. WTO - Essay Example The widest application of the protectionist movement is in the incubation of new industries which by themselves cannot survive the harsh realities if the competitive market, the idea being the protection will be withdrawn once the company is established (Iowa State university, n.d.). This concept is however extended in modern times and as captured by the events of the case study evolved to be proactive rather than reactive, where we see that the European Countries, namely France, Germany, Spain and Great Britain formed an alliance whose sole purpose was to gather enough capital to birth and sustain an aircraft manufacturing business with enough resources to effectively compete with the hitherto world monopoly of US based Boeing, the result of which was the birth of Airbus (Holmes, 2004). Given its current market strength, Boeing was enjoying vast economies of scale thus posing a significant barrier to entry to any interested private firm, and in the absence of competitive forces, concentrated more in research and development rather than marketing, and thus when they interfered with this monopoly power, the European governments eroded Boeing's potential returns from its investment, thus interfering with the market mechanism, and hence the first issue/conflict of the study. The second issue has to do with the governments' support of private enterprise, especially as it relates to the struggle that exists between one side trying to eliminate while the other struggles to sustain a major world monopoly. As mentioned above the aircraft industry is extensively capital intensive, and whatever labour is involved is highly skilled and specialized, as evidenced by the investments in Research and Development by both sides of the conflict presented in the study. The world authority on trade, the World Trade Organization clearly prohibits the support of private enterprise by governments and other public entities. Differences in terms of reference is also a major issue that has been highlighted in the case study. The Americans do not consider the massive government contracts that were awarded to Boeing as any form of government support, that is they argue that they did not interfere with the market but rather only participated in it, in a willing buyer willing seller fashion. This is of course in sharp contrast with the Europeans' initial direct capital investment into Airbus, let alone the continuing capital inflows into the company for continuing research and development in the form of very soft loans. The effect of governments' activities on both sides is basically the same, essentially to strengthen the respective aircraft manufacturers, therefore the argument lies in channels through which support was availed, rather than whether it was actually availed or not. The relation of the above activities to protectionism is where we find on one side a government being the largest and most lucrative domestic customer to the company, thereby not only preventing any foreign competition in the domestic market, but also propelling it into world dominance (fulfilling the mercantilist view of what protectionism is all about) and preventing other foreign nations from producing the same product and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Assignment On British Petroleum
Assignment On British Petroleum This Paper will concentrate on the organisation known as British oil typically referred to as British petroleum. This reason for this paper would be to examine and evaluate and analyse the present proper position of British petroleum inside the industry also once we proceed further we shall also consider the environment analysis, structural determinants from the concentration of your competition, structural analysis and competitive means of British petroleum, The entire paper continues to be split into three parts, simply one we consider the general analytical techniques like SWOT, PESTEL, suggested by M.E porter , latter simply two British petroleum is going to be analysed within the light of ansoff matrix and BCG matrix, and also the porters five forces, the ultimate part includes suggestions regarding the above mentioned analysis Introduction :- BP is among the worlds leading worldwide gas and oil companies, supplying its clients with fuel for transportation, energy for warmth and lightweight, retail services and petrochemicals items for everyday items http://world wide web.british British oil well referred to as British petroleum is worlds major gas and oil company, it is among the the world third biggest company (source Wikipedia: petroleum) its well know brand worldwide, as well as in business realm its much referred to as a corporation that has been positively taking part in vertical integration approach in each and every section of fuel industry, which includes excavation of oil and extraction and production refining distribution energy generation and buying and selling, lately British petroleum continues to be positively including in the introduction of alternative energy assets because it is thought through the finish of the century all of the mobile phone industrys reserves of conservative fuel deposits will vanish, however British petroleum has its own operation going through in 80 different nations and created roughly 4 million barrels of oil, Bps biggest maket share is within u . s . states mind quarted in Houston , the organization continues to be alleged for that threat of environment and safety concern following a recent spill in gulf, British petroleum may be the first company to understand the the long run interest in energy is anticipated to improve by 50% with within the next 2 decades as well as on the British petroleum website its mentioned the 85% from the energy demands is going to be met through the non-renewable fuels Medicare Part A:- British petroleum SWOT ANALYSIS: Talents: BPs History/brand:- British petroleum Among the mobile phone industrys well know brand that has been operating in the industry forever from the 1800s but formally referred to as Anglo- Iranian oil company , its history itself dictates its stability with in the industry, it includes a strong holds within the u . s . states market among the biggest consumer of gas and oil on the planet also Bigger producer within the Gulf:- As British petroleum is has its own strong root hold within the American market the organization features its own refining market and distribution channels thus it features a unique and formidable infrastructure, with the network of their subsidiaries making rivals daunting Geographically diverse organisation:- British petroleum continues to be operating in 80 different nations worldwide under different names like Amco, Burmah Castrol, British petroleum express, Arco, British petroleum connectAnd so on. British petroleum also indexed by NSE and FTSE and LSE. however British petroleum amco is among the most powerful brand among the rest of the brand that British petroleum works Leadership in oil related technology:- The oil related technology is understood to be Oil production related technology might help maintain revenue and profits by providing the controlling firm the opportunity to increase production on new oil fields. Superior technology also enables better usage of existing oil reserves from the production and refining capacity Source: (http://world wide using the definition above that British petroleum has acquired an aggressive edge among its other rivalries in growing producing new oil fields Concentrate on Conventional oil :- On february 2007 the organization has introduced it might be investing 8 billion dollars within the next 10 years within the research of numerous alternative techniques to search the conventional energy resources source ( petroleum#History) British petroleum has over checked out the fuel crisis thats likely to arise in in the future therefore it has transformed its logo design to Helios as one example of it corporate social responsibility thus by attaining the client confidence around the brand, this campaign had been based on slogan known as BP beyond petroleum Michael. E. Porter emerging industries are recently created or cool industries which have been produced by technological improvements, that elevate something new or service to the stage of potential viable of innovations pg 215 . Thus based on M. E porter using unconventional energy is definitely an emerging market where British petroleum makes extensive efforts to achieve the edge against your competitors. Also we will be talking about the likely methods that British petroleum can consider , once we proceed in to the next parts of this paper Weakness:- Negative consumer perception:- Though British petroleum continues to be striving difficult to position British petroleum like a environmentally friendly brand, the current occurrences has put British petroleum customers on dilemma concerning the brand positioning, because of recent spills in Alaska and gulf, also British petroleum has elevated it gas prices in in comparison to the rivals Unstable Oil industry:- Industries for example oil are in the stake because of their availability later on , however oil market is higly lucrative , additionally, it suffers unpredictability which decreases ale opportunities in the traders Possibilities:- Energy independence: since 8 billion dollars continues to be invested into research of conventional powers and alternative fuel techniques, you will see more possibilities developing within the fields of photo voltaic wind and gas energy Growth of areas:- British petroleum can consider growth of its edges to appropriate oil reserves and through purchase of gas and oil industries within the north ocean along with other areas globally Prices and quality:- British petroleum may also reconsider by flexing its prices policy to be able to answer the challenging competition, supported by very same top quality of fuel Risks:- Instability:- Many BPs oils creating regions are facing with unstable government making business much more volatile Oil Spill:- British petroleum continues to be alleged to be undertaking environment hazard activities in oil excavation following a spills in Alaska and Mexico, too a some periodic fire accidents within the British petroleum oil rigs, corrosion within the oil pipe lines can also be appearing a significant threat to the organization Saturation of assets:- Natural saturation of assets within the oil wells could be another major threat towards the companys existence PESTEL Analysis :- M. E Porter has recommended a frame work known as pestel analysis in understainding the forces within the macro atmosphere G. Schools and Remedy states that understanding how PESTEL factors might effect on and drive alternation in general is a great beginning point pg 66 The word PESTEL means political , economical social technological environmental and legal these forces have affect on the organisational exterior atmosphere POLITICAL à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ As talked about above because of unstable government authorities within the BPs production nations the mobile phone industrys energy marketplaces are becoming more volatile à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Due to climatic change issues and weather disturbances government authorities are coming up with a powerful obstacles on oil excavations, besides encouraging such industries into discover more sustainable types of energy à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ On whole the worldwide energy marketplace is increasingly volatile because of ongoing oil demands in the under developed nations ECONOMIC à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The economy is based on the power reserves for the reason that country à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The interest rate of worldwide economic recovery supports the answer to energy prospect to next several years (IEA. 2010 details sheet ) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Energy marketplaces can envisage demand increase by nearly 60 % based on IEA à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Due substantial increace within the alternative powers supply are required to develop within the next couple of decades quickly SOCIAL à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Based on the Kyoto protocol, charge of the CF(swimming pool water fluorine) carbon pollutants has turned into a legal requirement à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ More attention continues to be attracted for the concerns on sustainability for the future though this might appear just a little impact right now because of unavailability of manufacture of cheaper types of renewable power for example photo voltaic and wind energy TECHNOLOGY à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ This pressure is probably appears to become a significant driver of alternation in the worldwide energy market because it is being underpinned with a technological developments of manufacture of economical methods for renewable power Part 2:- The Ansoff Matrix :- the ansoff matrix is really a 22 matrix with items market mix for existing and new marketplaces , it was initially suggested by H. Igor Ansoff, its a growth marketplaces matrix helps the organisation to consider its proper decision it may also help us to analyse how British petroleum has varied itself from British oil to beyond oil http://tutor2u.internet/business/strategy/ansoff_matrix.htm Existing product Cool product Existing market Market transmission This requires British petroleum stretching its physical frontiers, more retail shops, direct distribution etc Product Bio-fuels which are created inside a sustainable way, and solar power wind energy etc New market Market development Marketing and advertising flexing the prices policy in United kingdom and obtaining person possessed retail shops in prime locations Diversification Neat and renewable solar power for houses, streets and companies Use of ansoff matrix to the current organization:- Market transmission:- British petroleum includes a obvious and focused strategy in market penentration using its varied items for every single market segment like houses business as well as varied items like lubrication motor oils etc can also be found to aid its deliberate strategy into market transmission Product:- this tactic is better applied whenever a particular service or product is within maturity or perhaps a decline stage however because of global environment fuel crisis it is essential to search for any new energy assets, however this proper approach give an edge against your competitors towards the organisation like bio fuel through sustainable sources, thus British petroleum has switched its marketing tag from British oil to beyond oil IEA 2004, also predicted the future energy supply is going to be from renewable assets Market development:- British petroleum continues to be strongly and readily using the forex market strategy, because it is presently operating in 80 different nations, also as part of further market development, British petroleum hold its very own distribution channels besides getting dealer distribution channels, lately in India, British petroleum has specific a brand new demographic group ie., CNG( compressed gas) for domestic reasons, By which British petroleum has acquired a substantial share of the market. However, still theres a lots of space to develop in this region by growing more into Africa and Russia and Europe Diversification: Although diversification is definitely an very dangerous strategy, to secure BPs future British petroleum has invested 8 billion dollars in the introduction of economical methods to produce renewable and alternative powers, as you will find some speculations that solar power is going to be utilized more by 50% than its present usage (data monitor 2004). To be able to gain knowledge of this sector of ones production british petroleum has invested this type of great deal, to restore its deficits because of recent oil spills. British petroleum has acknowledged the significance of diversification strategy, when the expertise is acquired then its really a market leader by selecting emerging industry marketplaces entry methods BCG Matrix : Cash Cows British oil includes a large share of the market in gas and oil industry using its wings extended in 80 different nations, however, these SBU are rich in share of the market with less room for that growth because it is an adult market, these SBU have to be handled well with right technique to keep up with the profits STARS: British petroleum is presently well-established in many of their operating nations however, theres still room to develop to stars because it the 4th biggest when it comes to revenue making then royal Nederlander and Exxon Mobil (cnn, 2010) ( QUESTIONMARKS: British petroleum is attempting to head to new marketplaces by trading into sustainable and alternative energy assets, because it has small be part of high growth market because it is predicted that marketplace for these renewable powers were prone to rise quickly Also BPs CNG items could be another question mark because it has high growth which may be changed by gas within the developed nations DOGS: British petroleum business could be effected by electrification of rail transport within the under developed nations, Wherever British petroleum is working in. Because of the marketplace for delivering diesel to locomotives are in the dogs condition, since it has relatively low growth and small share, which market might sooner vanish. However British petroleum can continue this present SBU, because it cannot modify the other SBUs British petroleum includes a stable share of the market inside a unstable market, regardless of the facing accusations from recent gulf disaster Part 3:- Recommendations for British petroleum because of its entry into emerging energy industry:- Michael. E. porter (1980) recommended a few of the common early obstacles like à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Proprietary technology à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Access to recycleables along with other inputs à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Risk, which boosts the effective chance price of capital there by effective capital obstacles Proprietary technology:- British petroleum may be the first company to recognize the necessity to invest into growth and development of new methods to produce energy its invested 8 billion dollars to build up and posses the brand new technologies being produced of wind and solar power Use of recycleables along with other inputs:- Although the inclination of the particular barrier may not appear appropriate to BPs manufacture of wind and solar power because they are freely and abundantly obtainable in character however British petroleum still can gain competitive advantage by arranging the copy privileges from the technology thats being/is going to be accustomed to convert the choice assets into energy. Thus producing revenue Risk:- Typically established information mill frequently not the first one to maintain the brand new emerging industry due ot technological advancement even getting the abilty and apparent talents , but climb this guitar rock band wagon latter, and attempts to establish by placing high greater chance cost, within this situation British petroleum has some relatively apparent talents like understanding from the clients and brand strength, so its advisable that British petroleum still press by trading into research of other fuels PORTER FIVE FORCES Brendan Examining the competitive atmosphere 5 Forces Framework of Industry Analysis British petroleum: An analysis while using Five Forces Framework Industry Competition British Oil (British petroleum) works within the energy industry. You will find only a small amount of firms inside the energy industry. It is really an oligopoly market you will find a small amount of producers taking pleasure in a sizable share of the market. The oligopoly market structure is really a fundamental driver of BPs profit increasing operation. British petroleum and it is rivals can make abnormal profits because of the marketplace structure that they compete. Theres mutual interdependence between companies within an oligopolistic market structure. BPs primary rivals are Exxon Mobile, Total SA, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Royal Nederlander Spend. British petroleum can make abnormal profits like the method in which monopolist operate. A strong like British petroleum might not be fully efficient nonetheless they remain in a position to survive because of high obstacles to entry within an oligopoly market. Bain (1956) referred to obstacles to entry as factors which permit established firms within an industry to earn supernormal profits without bringing in entry. An oligopoly structure is characterised by high interdependence between rivals. The choices of British petroleum are heavily based on the choices of the rivals. Just how does British petroleum remain competitive on the market when they cannot take market leadership? Area of the answer lies using the dependency of competitor choices as well as an lack of ability to consider an expense leadership strategy. The possibility of taking this kind of strategy could induce a cost war and lower profits. If BPs rivals decrease fuel prices then British petroleum will most likely lower their cost to prevent losing clients. If however a strong decides to boost prices then its rivals is going to be unwilling to follow. For this reason costs are regarded as sticky as prices are usually resistant against change. Sticky cost levels could be described with a kinked demand curve produced by Hall and Hitch and Sweezy (1939), proven in figure 1.1. The kink reaches cost P. Any rise in cost above P can lead to a far more than proportionate fall in quantity required as customers tends to buy using their company firms who havent elevated their cost. Over the cost P the cost elasticity demand is greater and much more elastic. Home loan business cost below P demand becomes inelastic and fewer prone to a big change sought after. Because of the tight oligopoly market British petroleum compete inside it seems that British petroleum they may be colluding using their rivals on prices. The items they offer are extremely homogenous, the cost elasticity of demand is low and you will find high obstacles to entry, creating ideal conditions for collusion. Oligopolists are circular dependent (Lipczynski and Wilson 2001). How much transparency regarding cost is high, which allows British petroleum and it is rivals to consistently match the cost of the leading member. Scherer 1996 describes this as collusive cost leadership. By colluding on prices youll be able to earn abnormal profits. The best choice functions like a barometer, whose cost bulletins reflect market demand and supply conditions (Scherer 1996). I (an oligopolist) cannot define my favorite guidelines unless of course I understand You (my rival) are performing at the same time, however, you cant define your very best move unless of course guess what happens Ill do (Asch 1964, p.54). Threat of recent newcomers The mining, gas and oil industry is among the most lucrative. The Worldwide 500 ranks British petroleum the fourth most lucrative. Why exist only numerous firms within the energy industry taking pleasure in abnormal profits and total share of the market? Generating high profits generally draws in new newcomers, however new newcomers can experience obstacles to entry preventing them from entering the marketplace. You will find no obstacles to entry in perfect competition marketplaces, new firms can set-up and then leave with relative ease. Its not as basic for brand new firms to create-in an oligopolistic market. You will find several obstacles to entry stopping firms from doing this. Bain describes obstacles to entry as factors which permit established firms within an industry to earn supernormal profits without bringing in entry. Among the biggest obstacles to entry for brand new firms may be the great deal of capital needed to create-up in the market highlighted by figure 1.2. The price to a different firm could be much greater compared to average costs of existing firms. Another barrier to entry is BPs up and down integrated structure. Theyre involved completely across the logistics, from finding oil deposits, drilling and removing crude, refining into oil items, disbursing and selling at British petroleum possessed retail store franchisees, further denying use of new newcomers. They could make profits across the logistics, known as upstream and downstream profits. Vertical integration exclusions could be categorised as limited practice, for example limit prices cost methods (Lipczynski and Wilson 2001). Financial systems of scale prevent new newcomers attaining access in to the market. British petroleum is definitely an established, global organisation in the market which in a position to source, extract, refine and distribute oil in a reduced cost in comparison having a small start-up firm establishing on your own. At greater amounts of output a vertical integrated firm for example British petroleum can specialize in factors of production within the entire product existence cycle, in the exploration and extraction of oil (upstream) to distribution refining and selling gas (downstream) to customers through many that belongs to them retail shops. Trade obstacles are reduced the fuel retail market. In the beginning approximation fuel merchants seem to fall under the monopolistic competition category Scherer (1996). However, its important for merchants to know those things of the rivals. Machlup describes fuel merchants inside a neighborhood as chain oligopolists. Gas is definitely an inelastic good, a sizable alternation in cost wont change quantity required. To be able to lessen the uncertainty with prices, fuel merchants collude on prices. This can help these to gain the very best profit and might help to avoid one merchants missing out. For instance, imagine you will find two merchants A and B on opposite side from the road. If Your drops its fuel cost, B will loose out if he doesnt mirror the cost of the. Selling fuel in the lower cost can lead to both A and B making less profit. By colluding on the set cost, its possible for A and B not to loose out. This really is known as duopoly tacit collusion and is comparable to Cournots type of oligopoly. Theres however, the temptation for just one firm to interrupt the guidelines, or cheat by lowering cost underneath the agreed level to be able to gain competitive edge on rivals, which can lead to a cost war. The threat of recent entry appears within the oil market appears unlikely for the short term. You will find a number of very large oil and companies who dominate the which take advantage of financial systems of scale, vertical integration and incredibly high obstacles to entry. The resembles a monopoly as rivals co-operate to savor monopoly style profits, further restricting new newcomers. Possibly the threat of recent newcomers may promote themselves with the introduction of new fuel technologies as gradual fossil fuel demand declines. With ever growing pressure from government and pressure groups, combined using the depletion of world oil reserves, eventually you will see a change from oil consumption as supplies go out and new fuel options be a more appealing. Figure 1.4 shows the extraction of oil once we transfer to the long term. The cost will rise progressively with time as supply dries up. Conscious of this issue, British petroleum in 2007 selected the College of California, Berkley to guide a $500 million energy research programme. The programme will build up new sustainable technologies for British petroleum. By diversifying British petroleum continues to some primary player in the market getting into the long term. British petroleum has additionally pledged to take a position another 500 million over ten years to finance bioscience research programmes for br and new and cleaner energy development. Threat of substitute items Oil is really a scarce commodity thats greatly sought after. The planet is dependent on oil and presently you will find very few viable substitutes for oil presently available. With large nations for example India and china quickly growing the issue will simply worsen. The present options for fuels include coal, LPG (Liquid Oil Gas) both non-renewable fuels and hydrogen (which requires using fuel to create). Beyond these options theres wind energy, photo voltaic energy, geothermal power energy and nuclear energy. British petroleum Most of the substitutes for oil for example LPG already are written by British petroleum. British petroleum appear ready for just about any potential risks from potential innovative firms entering the marketplace, partially because British petroleum have considerable amounts of investment already in research and development. Negotiating energy of purchasers and providers Customers buy oil items from British petroleum possessed fuel merchants. The merchants purchase their fuel from British petroleum, who extract and refine crude from the 3 that belongs to them locations around the world. Effectively British petroleum doesnt have providers, because they supply themselves, even though they are subject to the marketplace cost of oil. The cost oil is dependent upon the availability of oil, mainly in the cartel of OPEC the worlds 13 biggest oil creating groups. By being employed as a cartel the oil creating nations (who depend heavily on oil revenues), can manipulate the cost of oil by growing or lowering the availability of oil. British petroleum needs to market oil to the merchants in the market cost which is passed onto customers. The cost of oil affects the entire logistics. British petroleum along with other rivals make bigger profits once the cost oil is high, once the cost of oil falls, generally customers take advantage of affordable prices in the pump and oil producers make more compact profits or even manages to lose. Figure 1.5 demonstrates an increase in prices when supply is fixed by oil providers. The negotiating energy of customers as purchasers is extremely limited. Theyre subject to the chain oligopolist merchants who collude on prices, following barometric cost level based on the marketplace cost leader. Although British petroleum is really a large firm theyre small in comparison to large oil creating nations for example Saudi Arabia. Principle nations for example Saudi Arabia are capable of take dominant firm cost leadership. They could do that by working together using the OPEC cartel modifying output levels to help keep prices high. This really is known as joint profit maximisation, although there might be a inclination for nations inside the cartel to cheat or increase output to be able to earn more money. The cartel prices strategy is effective if all gamers stay with the guidelines and offer the correct amount agreed through the cartel. This really is highlighted by figure 1.6. The cartel enjoy cost PCartel in the quantity QCartel. If your player decides to cheat and convey more oil he is able to privately sell more oil at quantity QCheat and also at a lower cost PCheat. Nations smashing the rules may pull it off for some time, however eventually the marketplace will react to the additional output and a decrease in the cost of oil will result. Government The function of presidency plays a huge role to managing the quantity of profits caused by sales of oil. Windfall taxes were created by the work government in 1997 on utility and companies for example British petroleum so that they can lessen the development of the lately privatised industry (BBC News [online] 31 The month of january 2008). Throughout 2007 the cost of the barrel of oil arrived at $147. Companies for example British petroleum recorded a 6% increase in profits. Unions known as for any windfall tax on British petroleum along with other producers. British petroleum contended they are already one from the biggest taxpayers (BBC News [online] 29 This summer 2008). British petroleum also contended the cost of oil is occur the relatively free market. Others state that even OPEC can perform little concerning the control on oil prices any longer. Restrictions while using Porters Five Framework You will find many exterior forces affecting the competition inside a market. Competition varies in various marketplaces. Porters Five Forces model helps organisations understand industry structure and shapes the competition that is a result of competing in various structures. Its important for firms to fully understand market structure that they operate (Worthington et al 2001). An analysis of British petroleum while using five forces framework presents numerous problems. The model doesnt think about the macroeconomic atmosphere, especially as British petroleum is really a global player. Political and legalities have to be considered. Whats the current legislation concerning cartels, monopolies and move rules? Similarly economic and technological changes are important for an organization for example British petroleum, always searching toward the long-term. An excellent illustration of financial aspects factors affecting British petroleum may be the current economic recession that ha s drastically reduced the interest in oil and company profits. Even though the oil industry presently seems to become a relatively stable for profitability, theres without doubt that eventually you will see a change from oil. Jergin identifies a big change will come by means of a significant technological breakthrough in alternate wind turbine or possibly from an environment crisis, diminishing oils importance. In either case Porters framework does not identify a few of these key issues. If used properly the model may be used perfectly, although if use wrongly, without thinking about underlying forces, then it may be meaningless. British petroleum, a hundred years-old global gas and oil company has experienced numerous major problems recently. Evaluation from the business structure and company culture at British petroleum clearly determines its significant responsibility like a cause of these problems. Presently British petroleum reaches the purpose of no return. Aggressive action through the board of British petroleum in structure
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
American Beauty by Sam Mendes Essay -- Film Movies
American Beauty by Sam Mendes This essay has problems with formating ï » ¿Ã‚     In American Beauty, 1999, directed by Sam Mendes, we are confronted with the permeating images that have consumed mainstream American life. Mendes exploits these images as constructions that we created around ourselves as a means of hiding our true selves. Mendes is able to implicate us in the construction and make us active viewers by exploiting our voyeuristic nature. In American Beauty Mendes uses the voyeuristic tendencies of the spectator to acknowledge the permeating constructed images. Mendes, through the use of narration, the mise en scene and cinematic techniques implicates the spectator in to using their voyeuristic tendencies to deconstruct the images in order to reveal the true image. From the start of the film the construction of images is evident.      American Beauty begins with the obvious constructed shot, shown through the use of a video camera, of a young teenage girl. The narration reveals that she wants her father dead. The image portrayed around her is constructed as an evil, unaffectionate youth. The next scene is of a high angle shot, with a voice-over narration. The voice-over goes to explain that this is Lester Burnham’s speaking and he is already dead and the following is a construction of the relevant events. This scene holds relevance for two reasons. First it constructs an image that the young teenager in the previous scene is the killer. And as we will learn by the end of the film this image is not all that it appeared to be. This is a reoccurring theme throughout the film, that these are constructed images, and to notice that there is more to the story then what appears on the surface. The high angle spanning shot of Lester’s street also holds significance for the spectator. This opening shot is quite similar to that of Alfred Hitchcock’s opening scene in Psycho. The similar t hemes is the spectators being the voyeurs. In each we are looking into the private sphere of the character. However, in American Beauty our voyeuristic nature is not shameful. The narration that accompanies the scene is allowing our voyeuristic desires to enter into the private lives without guilt or shame. Mendes as does Lester asks the spectator to be the voyeur. As well the sign on Lester’s cubicle wall is not a coincidence. Mendes is again soliciting t... against the jumbled blinds of the sliding door. The perfect symmetrical image within the mise en scene is erased in order to represent the failing images in Carolyn’s life.      In American Beauty, Mendes constructs his images in order to ask the spectator to deconstruct, by looking closer. This film represents the darkness that we have allowed to seep into American culture. We have allowed ourselves to be overly concerned with the way we want to be or told we should be represented. There are too many cases of the individuals soul being lost behind a maze of faulty images. Mendes begs the spectator almost in desperation to try to see the beauty that this world has to offer. However, he is not pessimistic in his conclusions. Like the flower the film is named after we can still bloom late and the appreciation for the beauty will last for eternity. Yet to reach a point to appreciate the beauty we must strip away the complex layers which we have surrounded ourselves with. This is Mendes point, the need to deconstruct the permeating ideologies within our culture. ï » ¿ Bibliography American Beauty. Dir. Sam Mendes. Dreamworks /Warner Brothers, 1999.     Â
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